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Lucy Punch

Lucy Punch's biography

Lucy Alice T. Punch is 45 years old actor born at Hammersmith. She was born on Friday 30th of December 1977. She is often nicknamed as Lucy Alice T. Punch, Lucy Punch, Lucy. According to year of birth 1977 she belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 30th of December means Lucy is Capricorn. These people are stable in nature. As the sign lord is “Saturn”, the person will be judgemental in his approach.

Lucy is white british. Lucy is citizen of United Kingdom. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know Lucy also as stage actor. She is recently known as film actor.

Lucy Punch's schools

We found 2 schools She attended. Complete list of schools: Latymer Upper School, Godolphin and Latymer School.

Detailed informations about Lucy´s schools

She studied high school - Latymer Upper School.

She studied university - University College London (dropped out).

Lucy Punch's career

Her main focus is to be actor. Lucy is famous thanks to her roles as Amy Squirrel in the comedy movie Bad Teacher (2011), Amanda in the BBC series Motherland and Esmé Squalor in the Netflix series A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Is Lucy Punch gay ?

She is known to be straight.

Lucy Punch's quotes

  • I always find it funny when I watch actors talking about, 'I chose to do this part.' A lot of times it's 'you're lucky to get the job.' We're like, 'Thank you so much.'
  • I'm a really good dinner party guest. I am always so appreciative, impressed that anyone has even managed to turn on the oven and cook for me.
  • I tend to eat geographically. When I'm in L.A., I like to eat L.A. food.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Lucy Punch's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Lucy Punch looks. We will focus on Lucy´s height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. She is tall as 5' 8" (173 cm). She weights 130lbs (59 kg). Body build is average. Her eyes are tinted green. Her hair is shade of blonde.