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Lorraine Toussaint

Lorraine Toussaint's biography

Lorraine Toussaint is 62 years old film producer born at Trinidad. She was born on Monday 4th of April 1960. Lorraine is often nicknamed as Lorraine. According to year of birth 1960 she belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 4th of April means she is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.

Lorraine is native english speaker. Lorraine is black trinidadian, tobagonian. She is citizen of United States of America. Her primary profession is to be film producer. You can know her also as television actor, film actor, actor. Lorraine is recently known as stage actor.

Lorraine Toussaint's schools

We found 2 schools Lorraine attended. Complete list of schools: Juilliard School, Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School.

Detailed informations about her schools

Lorraine studied high school - Manhattan's High School of Performing Arts.

She studied university - Julliard School.

Lorraine Toussaint's career

Lorraine´s main focus is to be film producer. She is famous thanks to her role as Rene Jackson in the critically acclaimed Lifetime television drama series Any Day Now, from 1998 to 2002, and her recurring role as defense attorney Shambala Green in the NBC legal drama Law & Order.

Is Lorraine Toussaint gay ?

She is known to be straight.

Lorraine Toussaint's quotes

  • Shape draws praise from similar shaped viewers and they 'appreciate that I look like a normal woman. I care more about health than maintaining a specific size.'
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Lorraine Toussaint's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Lorraine Toussaint looks. We will focus on her height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. She is tall as 5' 9" (175 cm). Lorraine weights 161lbs (73 kg). Body build is average. Her eyes are tinted black. Her hair is shade of brown - dark.

Latest news about Lorraine Toussaint

For the latest news - you can follow Lorraine Toussaint on social networks.