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Lilly Wachowski

Lilly Wachowski's biography

Lilly Wachowski is 55 years old writer born at Chicago. Lilly Wachowski was born on Friday 29th of December 1967. According to year of birth 1967 Lilly Wachowski belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 29th of December means Lilly Wachowski is Capricorn. These people are stable in nature. As the sign lord is “Saturn”, the person will be judgemental in his approach.

Lilly Wachowski is citizen of United States of America. Lilly Wachowski's primary profession is to be writer. You can know Lilly Wachowski also as film director, screenwriter, film producer. Lilly Wachowski is recently known as comics writer. Lilly Wachowski received Saturn Award for Best Director The Matrix in 2000

Lilly Wachowski's schools

We found 2 schools Lilly Wachowski attended. Complete list of schools: Emerson College, Whitney M. Young Magnet High School.

Detailed informations about Lilly Wachowski's schools

  • Attended Whitney M. Young Magnet High School along with her sister Lana Wachowski in Chicago, Illinois.

Lilly Wachowski's career

Lilly Wachowski's main focus is to be writer.

Awards and competitions

Lilly Wachowski's Awards

  • Lilly Wachowski received award for Saturn Award for Best Director for work The Matrix in 2000

Lilly Wachowski's Rankings

  • Ranked #27 in Premiere's 2003 annual Power 100 List with sister Lana Wachowski. They had ranked #89 in 2002.

Lilly Wachowski's Nominations

  • Lilly Wachowski was nominated for Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form) for work V for Vendetta in 2007
  • Lilly Wachowski was nominated for German Film Award for Best Direction for work Cloud Atlas in 2013
  • Lilly Wachowski was nominated for German Film Award for Best Feature Film for work Cloud Atlas in 2013
  • Lilly Wachowski was nominated for Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Director for work The Matrix Revolutions in 2003
  • Lilly Wachowski was nominated for Saturn Award for Best Director for work The Matrix in 1999
  • Lilly Wachowski was nominated for Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation for work The Matrix in 2000
  • Lilly Wachowski was nominated for Las Vegas Film Critics Society Award for Best Screenplay for work The Matrix in 2000
  • Lilly Wachowski was nominated for Nebula Award for Best Script for work V for Vendetta in 2007
  • Lilly Wachowski was nominated for Nebula Award for Best Script for work The Matrix in 1999
  • Lilly Wachowski was nominated for Saturn Award for Best Writing for work The Matrix in 1999

Lilly Wachowski's body shape

Lets describe how Lilly Wachowski looks. We will focus on Lilly Wachowski's body shape. Body build is average.

Latest news about Lilly Wachowski

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