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Kiara Advani

Kiara Advani's biography

Alia Advani is 30 years old film actor born at Mumbai. She was born on Friday 31st of July 1992. Kiara is often nicknamed as Kiara Advani, Alia Advani, Kiara, Kiara Alia Advani. According to year of birth 1992 Kiara belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 31st of July means Kiara is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.

Kiara is multiracial indian. She is citizen of India.

Detailed informations about Kiara´s schools

Kiara studied high school - Cathedral and John Connon School.

She studied university - Jai Hind College, Mumbai.

Kiara Advani's career

Her main focus is to be film actor. Kiara is famous thanks to her roles as Devi in Fugly, Sakshi Rawat in M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story, Preeti Sikka in Kabir Singh and Monika Batra in Good Newwz.

Is Kiara Advani gay ?

She is known to be straight.

What else you don't know about Kiara Advani ?

She likes to spend time in: Sushi, Seafood.

What Kiara Advani has done for a first time

  • Step-uncle is Bombay fashion photographer Rahul Patel. He was born from Kiara's step-grandmother Bharti's first marriage to Virendra Patel.
  • Step-aunt is actress Anuradha Patel (who is married to actor Kanwaljeet). Anuradha was born to Kiara's step-grandmother Bharti Jaffery, from her first marriage to Virendra Patel. Anuradha and Kiara's mother are stepsisters.

Kiara Advani's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Kiara Advani looks. We will focus on Kiara´s height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. Kiara is tall as 5' 2" (157 cm). She weights 114lbs (52 kg). Body build is slim. Kiara´s eyes are tinted brown - dark. Kiara´s hair is shade of black.

Latest news about Kiara Advani

For the latest news - you can follow Kiara Advani on social networks.