Keith Urban's biography
Keith Urban is 55 years old singer born at Whangārei. He was born on Thursday 26th of October 1967. According to year of birth 1967 he belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 26th of October means he is Scorpio. Scorpio is a watery sign. These people are very intense in their thoughts. They always learn from the transformatory phase of their life.
He is citizen of Australia. His primary profession is to be singer. You can know him also as pianist, guitarist, songwriter. He is recently known as composer.
Keith Urban's family
Keith Urban's spouse
She is known as actor. His spouse was born on Tuesday 20th of June 1967.
Keith Urban's ex spouse
He has 2 daughters.
Keith Urban's daughter: Sunday Rose Kidman-Urban
Keith Urban's daughter's name is Sunday Rose Kidman-Urban. She is known as actor. His daughter was born on Monday 7th of July 2008 in Nashville.
Keith Urban's daughter: Faith Margaret Kidman-Urban
Keith Urban's daughter's name is Faith Margaret Kidman-Urban. She is known as actor. His daughter was born on Tuesday 28th of December 2010 in Nashville.
Keith Urban's schools
We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: Caboolture State High School.
Keith Urban's career
His main focus is to be singer. He focuses on country music. Maybe you are curious what instrument does he play ? He plays guitar.
Awards and competitions
Keith Urban's Awards
- Was accompanied by his girlfriend Nicole Kidman to the Grammy Awards in 2006. It was their first public appearance together.
- Became the first artist to win Male Vocalist of the Year (2004, 2005), Entertainer of the Year (2005) and the Horizon Award (2001) at the Country Music Association Awards
What Keith Urban has done for a first time
- Scored his first No. 1 hit on Billboard magazine's Country Singles and Tracks chart with "But for the Grace of God" in February 2001.
- He became the first Kiwi to win the CMA Male vocalist of the Year in 2004.
- First paying non-music job: at a concert lighting company.
- Was accompanied by his girlfriend Nicole Kidman to the Grammy Awards in 2006. It was their first public appearance together.
- Became the first artist to win Male Vocalist of the Year (2004, 2005), Entertainer of the Year (2005) and the Horizon Award (2001) at the Country Music Association Awards
Keith Urban's Donations
- He and Nicole Kidman asked their wedding guests not to buy any presents but to donate the money instead to some humanitarian organization.
Keith Urban's quotes
- It's what we're torn between, isn't it? Bitching and moaning and complaining about this life, and yet not wanting to give it up for anybody or anything
- I'm grateful when anybody can start to have his or her limited perception of the genre open up a little bit. There's a lot of great music in the country genre that doesn't get heard because people say, 'Well, I don't like country.'
- "It makes me feel a bit naked and vulnerable, but I think that's part of being true to yourself and committing to your music. It's therapeutic too going to the studio everyday is like lying on a therapist couch.
- I'm very comfortable around cattle. I can ride a horse alright. I can collect eggs and I can clean out a pigsty!
- I also think people like myself have the attention span of a gnat!
- The hardest thing I've dealt with was figuring out what to do after The Ranch. I thought, 'I'm lost out in the ether.'
- You definitely get to a point where you stop seeing your parents as your mom and dad and see them as people who tried to have a family and still tried to achieve what they wanted with their lives.
- I think, you know, the only frontier left for music is fusion, styles, and the constant evolution of country is fascinating to me because what's accepted now wasn't accepted a certain time ago and that's a cyclical thing.
- I feel more comfortable now with or without a guitar. It used to be much more like Linus and his security blanket, definitely.
Keith Urban's body shape
Lets describe how Keith Urban looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.
Latest news about Keith Urban
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