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Keisha Castle-Hughes

Keisha Castle-Hughes's biography

Keisha Castle-Hughes is 32 years old television actor born at Donnybrook. She was born on Saturday 24th of March 1990. According to year of birth 1990 she belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 24th of March means she is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.

She is citizen of New Zealand. Her primary profession is to be television actor. She is recently known as film actor.

Keisha Castle-Hughes's schools

We found 2 schools She attended. Complete list of schools: Rosehill College, One Tree Hill College.

Keisha Castle-Hughes's career

Her main focus is to be television actor.

Awards and competitions

Keisha Castle-Hughes's Awards

  • In 2004, at 13 she became the youngest actress ever to be nominated for a Best Actress Academy Award.
  • Is a fan of Johnny Depp; was able to meet him at the 76th Academy Awards when they were both nominees.

Keisha Castle-Hughes's Nominations

  • Is a fan of Johnny Depp; was able to meet him at the 76th Academy Awards when they were both nominees.

What Keisha Castle-Hughes has done for a first time

  • First Indigenous performer to be nominated for a Best Actress Oscar.

Keisha Castle-Hughes's quotes

  • [on being asked if acting what how she expected it to be] "Definitely not what I expected it to be. All I ever saw were famous people getting what they wanted when they wanted it and I was shocked at the fact that I actually had to work."
  • [on Whale Rider] "Watching that film made me proud to be a New Zealander."
  • [on whether she wants to be an actor when she's older] "I want to be a science teacher. My friends asked me why, but I'm intrigued by it and I'm quite good at science at school."
  • I'd always wanted to act but it wasn't just that, it was because all the ladies wore pretty dresses.
  • [on her role in Star Wars III] "I was on for 10 seconds and if you see me you're lucky."
  • Your private life should be private. I reckon that's a good thing that you talk about your work and you talk about what you're doing, but without having to go into how your brother's been and how your mum's been because none of that's really relevant.
  • When I found out this was going to be the last Star Wars film that was ever going to be made, I felt pretty privileged to be in it.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Keisha Castle-Hughes's body shape

Lets describe how Keisha Castle-Hughes looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.

Latest news about Keisha Castle-Hughes

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