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Kazuko Kurosawa

Kazuko Kurosawa's biography

Kazuko Kurosawa is 68 years old costume designer born at Tokyo. She was born on Thursday 29th of April 1954. According to year of birth 1954 she belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 29th of April means she is Taurus. Taurus is most stable sign of Zodiac, that is the reason it is also included in the earthy sign of the Zodiac Belt. One born with this Moon Sign (Not a Rising Sign) is very stable and balanced through their mind.

She is citizen of Japan.

Kazuko Kurosawa's dad

Kazuko Kurosawa's father's name is Akira Kurosawa. Akira is known as film director. Her father was born on Wednesday 23rd of March 1910 in Shinagawa-ku. Her father died on Sunday 6th of September 1998 in Setagaya-ku. Akira Kurosawa was 44 years old, when this happened.

Kazuko Kurosawa's mom

Kazuko Kurosawa's mother's name is Yôko Yaguchi. She is known as actor. Her mother was born on Saturday 27th of August 1921 in Shanghai. Kazuko Kurosawa was born when she was 33 years old. Her mother died on Friday 1st of February 1985 in Fukuoka. Yôko Yaguchi was 31 years old, when this happened.

Kazuko Kurosawa's career

Her main focus is to be costume designer.

Kazuko Kurosawa's body shape

Lets describe how Kazuko Kurosawa looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.