Joseph Cotten's biography
Joseph Chesire Cotten is 89 years old film actor born at Petersburg. He was born on Monday 15th of May 1905. He is often nicknamed as Joe, Joseph Chesire Cotten, Joseph Cotten. According to year of birth 1905 he belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 15th of May means Joseph is Taurus. Taurus is most stable sign of Zodiac, that is the reason it is also included in the earthy sign of the Zodiac Belt. One born with this Moon Sign (Not a Rising Sign) is very stable and balanced through their mind.
He is white american. He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be film actor. You can know Joseph also as screenwriter, autobiographer, stage actor, television actor. Joseph is recently known as radio personality.
Joseph Cotten's family
Joseph Cotten's ex wife
Patricia Medina
Joseph Cotten and Patricia Medina have been together since 1960 for 34 years. She is known as actor. Joseph´s ex wife was born on Saturday 19th of July 1919 in Liverpool. Joseph´s ex wife died on Saturday 28th of April 2012 in Los Angeles. Patricia Medina was 107 years old, when this happened.
Detailed informations about his schools
He studied university - Hickman School of Expression.
Joseph Cotten's career
His main focus is to be film actor. He is famous thanks to Citizen Kane (1941).
Is Joseph Cotten gay ?
He is known to be straight.
How did Joseph Cotten die
Joseph died on on Sunday 6th of February 1994 when he was 89 years old at Palm Springs. Joseph Cottens death was caused by pneumonia. It happend like natural causes.
Awards and competitions
Joseph Cotten's Awards
- Won the Best Actor Award at the Venice Film Festival in 1948 for Portrait of Jennie (1948).
Joseph Cotten's Nominations
- Appeared in four Best Picture nominees in the 1940s alone: Citizen Kane (1941), The Magnificent Ambersons (1942), Gaslight (1944) and Since You Went Away (1944).
What else you don't know about Joseph Cotten ?
His middle name is Chesire.
What Joseph Cotten has done for a first time
- Had a stepdaughter from first marriage.
- His first film appearance is in 1937 in "Seeing the World, Part One: A Visit to New York", a 10-minute silent film directed & photographed by Rudy Burkhardt, in which he is credited as "Joseph Cotton", acting briefly in a bar scene.
Joseph Cotten's quotes
- I didn't care about the movies really. I was tall. I could talk. It was easy to do.
- Orson Welles lists Citizen Kane (1941) as his best film, Alfred Hitchcock opts for Shadow of a Doubt (1943) and Sir Carol Reed chose The Third Man (1949) - and I'm in all of them.
- [on Orson Welles] I know a little about Orson's childhood and seriously doubt if he ever was a child.
- My wife told me one of the sweetest things one could hear: "I am not jealous. But I am truly sad for all the actresses who embrace you and kiss you while acting, for with them, you are only pretending."
- [on Bette Davis] I loved working with her.
- [on Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964)] Bette [Davis] is determined to make her mark on this picture, and Joan [Crawford] is determined to do the same and not be, how shall I put it, gobbled up by Bette, but for heaven's sake, don't quote me.
- In Hollywood, those stars who have been around a long while and seem to grow better with time are the ones who regard "stardom" merely as an opportunity to grow.
- [to Gore Vidal on Orson Welles] Note how Orson either never smiles on camera, or, if he has to, how he sucks in his cheeks so as not to look like a Halloween pumpkin.
Joseph Cotten's height, weight, body shape, eye color
Lets describe how Joseph Cotten looks. We will focus on his height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. Joseph is tall as 6' 2" (188 cm). Joseph weights 186lbs (84 kg). Body build is athletic. Joseph´s eyes are tinted green. His hair is shade of brown - dark.