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Joe Armstrong

Joe Armstrong's biography

Joe Armstrong is 44 years old actor born at London. Joe was born on Saturday 7th of October 1978. According to year of birth 1978 Joe belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 7th of October means he is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.

He is white english. He is citizen of United Kingdom. Joe is christian. His primary profession is to be actor. You can know him also as film actor, stage actor. Joe is recently known as television actor.

Joe Armstrong's dad

Joe Armstrong's father's name is Alun Armstrong. Alun is known as actor. His father was born on Wednesday 17th of July 1946 in Annfield Plain.

Joe Armstrong's schools

We found 1 school Joe attended. Name of the school: Elliott School.

Detailed informations about Joe´s schools

  • Attended Elliot School and completed his higher studies at The University of Bristol.

Joe Armstrong's career

His main focus is to be actor. Joe is famous thanks to Robin Hood.

Is Joe Armstrong gay ?

He is known to be straight.

Joe Armstrong's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Joe Armstrong looks. We will focus on Joe´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. He is tall as 5' 10" (178 cm). Body build is slim. His eyes are tinted blue. Joe´s hair is shade of red.