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Joan Sims

Joan Sims's biography

Joan Sims is 71 years old television actor born at Basildon. She was born on Friday 9th of May 1930. She is often nicknamed as JoanieQueen of PuddingsThe First Lady of Carry On. According to year of birth 1930 she belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 9th of May means she is Taurus. Taurus is most stable sign of Zodiac, that is the reason it is also included in the earthy sign of the Zodiac Belt. One born with this Moon Sign (Not a Rising Sign) is very stable and balanced through their mind.

She is citizen of United Kingdom. Her primary profession is to be television actor. You can know her also as film actor, comedian. She is recently known as singer.

Joan Sims's schools

We found 3 schools She attended. Complete list of schools: Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, Brentwood County High School, St John's School, Billericay.

Joan Sims's career

Her main focus is to be television actor.

How did Joan Sims die

She died on on Wednesday 27th of June 2001 when he was 71 years old at London. Joan Simss death was caused by diverticular disease and liver failure.

What Joan Sims has done for a first time

  • In 1946, Joan first applied to RADA, but one of the adjudicators was not overly keen on her rendition from Winnie the Pooh.
  • Her first Carry On film was Carry on Nurse (1959) and her last was Carry on Emmannuelle (1978). She also appeared in Carry-on Admiral (1957), however this film is not considered to be a part of the Carry On series.
  • Life-long friend of fellow "Carry On..." star Dilys Laye. Dilys and Joan first knew one another during childhood. They both remained close until Joan's death in 2001.
  • Spent her first salary of £25 on kitchen utensils from Selfridges.
  • She was painfully nervous causing her to flunk auditions. Ironically she got her first film role in 'Will Any Gentleman ' from a casting director who'd previously turned her down but then later saw her in a revue.

Joan Sims's quotes

  • "I can get quite embarrassed seeing some of the things on television. I don't know whether things have to be quite as explicit as they are nowadays. Carry On films were much more innocent." (2000)
  • "I don't think I've ever had anybody say the words, 'Will you marry me?', not even someone tight as a tick at a party." (2000)
  • "To be a comic woman, you have to put up with quite a bit of banter. But I didn't mind. I've got a dirty sense of humour and I never found those things really offensive." (2000)
  • "I'm a workaholic, really, so it's hard when I'm not working. I'm not a great reader, so I do watch a lot of telly. I've actually become the most frightful cabbage potato." (2000)
  • "I was always being ticked off for making the class laugh, usually by mimicking the teacher." (2000)
  • [In reference to Sidney James and his death in 1976] "Sid was a darling man and that's the only way I can describe him. He was always very kind to the ladies and he was always very protective about the ladies. He was a very very sad loss." (1998)
  • [In reference to the Dinner Party scene in Carry on Up the Khyber (1968)] "It was three horrendous days, there were people dropping sacks of muck from the ceiling. It was a nightmare but it was still terrific fun." (1998)
  • [Speaking in 1998 about her appearance in Carry on England (1976)] There was certainly a decline in yours truly, that ated] face, which was coming out of that ated] uniform, I mean it was horrific. I thought go home and put your feet up love.
  • [In reference to Sidney James and 1990s documentaries on his life and apparent affairs and behaviour] "I think it's quite unnecessary. Why can't the poor man and his family be left alone? He gave the public a great deal of enjoyment."
  • [on the "Carry On..." films being repeated on television] "I do have deep feelings of injustice for myself and the others. The public might think we are paid residuals, but we get nothing for the films or those television compilations." (2000)
  • "Men are put off by funny women." (2000)
  • I had not expected to end up on my own in a small rented flat". [After 50 years in show business and in reference to her flat in Kensington]
  • I don't think it worked without us, dear. We were a unique formula. [on the film Carry on Columbus (1992)]
  • "I was always being ticked off for making my class laugh, usually by mimicking the teacher." (2000)
  • "I used to be very extravagant. Once, because I was appearing on The Kenneth Williams Show (1970) I went to Harvey Nicks and bought two outfits for £600 - which was a fortune in those days - and then took myself to the Hyde Park Hotel for tea." (2000)
  • "A new Carry On is a big event in the cinema nowadays, it is not surprising that we all want to be on our toes when we get Peter Rogers call to make another one." (1961)
  • I was once mistaken for Shirley MacLaine in a fish-and-chip shop off the Edgware Road.
  • [on making the "Carry On..." films] "It was like going back to school each time."

Joan Sims's body shape

Lets describe how Joan Sims looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.