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Joan Fontaine

Joan Fontaine's biography

Joan de Beauvior de Havilland is 96 years old actor born at Tokyo. She was born on Monday 22nd of October 1917. Joan is often nicknamed as Joan de Beauvoir de Havilland, Joan Fontaine. According to year of birth 1917 she belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 22nd of October means Joan is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.Joan was married 4 times.

Joan is native english speaker. She is white british. She is citizen of United Kingdom. She is anglican / episcopalian. Joan´s primary profession is to be actor. You can know Joan also as writer, television actor. She is recently known as interior designer. Joan received Academy Award for Best Actress Suspicion in 1940

Joan Fontaine's mom

Joan Fontaine's mother's name is Lilian Fontaine. She is known as actor. Her mother was born on Friday 11th of June 1886 in Reading. Joan Fontaine was born when she was 31 years old. Joan´s mother died on Thursday 20th of February 1975 in Santa Barbara. Lilian Fontaine was 58 years old, when this happened.

Joan Fontaine's family

Joan Fontaine's ex husbands

Brian Aherne

Joan Fontaine and Brian Aherne have been together since 1939 for 6 years. He is known as actor. Her ex husband was born on Friday 2nd of May 1902 in Worcestershire. Joan´s ex husband died on Monday 10th of February 1986 in Venice. Brian Aherne was 69 years old, when this happened.

William Dozier

Joan Fontaine and William Dozier have been together since 1946 for 5 years. He is known as actor. Her ex husband was born on Thursday 13th of February 1908 in Omaha. Joan´s ex husband died on Tuesday 23rd of April 1991 in Santa Monica. William Dozier was 74 years old, when this happened.

Collier Young

Joan Fontaine and Collier Young have been together since 1952 for 9 years. He is known as film producer. Joan´s ex husband was born on Wednesday 19th of August 1908 in Asheville. Joan´s ex husband died on Thursday 25th of December 1980 in Santa Monica. Collier Young was 63 years old, when this happened.

Alfred Wright, Jr.

Joan Fontaine and Alfred Wright, Jr. have been together since 1964 for 5 years.

Joan Fontaine's schools

We found 3 schools Joan attended. Complete list of schools: American School in Japan, Los Gatos High School, International School of the Sacred Heart.

Detailed informations about Joan´s schools

  • Attended Oak Street School in Saratoga, CA.

Joan Fontaine's career

Joan´s main focus is to be actor. She is famous thanks to Rebecca (1940). You could see Joan also in Suspicion.

Is Joan Fontaine gay ?

She is known to be straight.

How did Joan Fontaine die

Joan died on on Sunday 15th of December 2013 when he was 96 years old. Joan Fontaines death was caused by natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Joan Fontaine's Awards

  • Is one of three Japan-born actresses to have won an Academy Award. The others are her sister Olivia de Havilland and Miyoshi Umeki.
  • Was the 18th actress to receive an Academy Award; she won the Best Actress Oscar for Suspicion (1941) at The 14th Academy Awards on February 26, 1942.

Joan Fontaine's Nominations

  • Joan was nominated for Academy Award for Best Actress for work Rebecca in 1940
  • Joan was nominated for Academy Award for Best Actress
  • Joan was nominated for Academy Award for Best Actress

What else you don't know about Joan Fontaine ?

Her middle name is de Beauvior.

What Joan Fontaine has done for a first time

  • She and Olivia de Havilland are the first sisters to win Oscars and the first ones to be Oscar-nominated in the same year.

Joan Fontaine's Donations

  • All of her memorabilia was to be donated to Boston University following her death.

Joan Fontaine's quotes

  • Marriage, as an institution, is as dead as the dodo bird.
  • If you keep marrying as I do, you learn everybody's hobby.
  • I married first, won the Oscar before Olivia [sister Olivia de Havilland] did, and if I die first, she'll undoubtedly be livid because I beat her to it!
  • [Before the failure of her first marriage] Too many Hollywood marriages have smashed up because husbands were Mr. Joan Fontaine. That will never happen in our marriage because I am 100% Mrs. Brian Aherne.
  • [on Olivia de Havilland] We're getting closer together as we get older, but there would be a slight problem of temperament. In fact, it would be bigger than Hiroshima.
  • [on working with director George Cukor on The Women (1939)] I learned [more] about acting from George than anyone else and through just one sentence. He said, "Think and feel and the rest will take care of itself."
  • I hope I'll die on stage at the age at 105, playing Peter Pan.
  • You know, I've had a helluva life. Not just the acting part. I've flown in an international balloon race. I've piloted my own plane. I've ridden to the hounds. I've done a lot of exciting things.
  • [in 1978, about sister Olivia de Havilland] Olivia has always said I was first at everything. If I die, she'll be furious because, again, I'll have got there first.
  • [in 1978, on marriage] The main problem in marriage is that, for a man, sex is a hunger-like eating. If a man is hungry and can't get to a fancy French restaurant, he'll go to a hot dog stand. For a woman, what's important is love and romance.
  • I'm a very affectionate person, and no man was ever able to satisfy that need for affection as well as my dogs do.
  • I make pictures because I like to be able to get a good table when I go to a nightclub and because I like to travel.
  • [when asked, "Which of your films are you proudest of?"] Rebecca (1940) is a fantastic story, marvelously directed and produced. I like The Constant Nymph (1943) very much, and although Suspicion (1941) isn't a classic like Rebecca, it's damn good.
  • [1985] At my time in life, I don't want to do bit parts. Also, Rosalind Russell once said, "Always escape the mother parts." And I've avoided them.
  • [on dressing rooms] In the old days they were so lavish that you would bring the paintings from your home to hang on your dressing room walls.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Joan Fontaine's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Joan Fontaine looks. We will focus on her height, body shape, eye color and hair color. Joan is tall as 5' 3½" (161 cm). Body build is slim. Her eyes are tinted hazel. Her hair is shade of blonde.