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Jimmy Carr

Jimmy Carr's biography

James Anthony Patrick Carr is 50 years old comedian born at Hounslow. He was born on Friday 15th of September 1972. According to year of birth 1972 Jimmy belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 15th of September means Jimmy is Virgo. Virgo is an earthy sign of Zodiac Belt. People born under this Rising Sign are practical in nature. They believe in reality and represents themselves as a strong person.

Jimmy is white british. Jimmy is citizen of United Kingdom. He is atheist. Jimmy´s primary profession is to be comedian. You can know him also as television presenter, stand-up comedian, film actor, humorist, writer, radio personality. Jimmy is recently known as screenwriter.

Jimmy Carr's schools

We found 3 schools Jimmy attended. Complete list of schools: The Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe, Gonville and Caius College, Burnham Grammar School.

Detailed informations about his schools

  • Graduated from Cambridge University with a 2:1 in political science. Attended Dulwich College, London, England.

Jimmy Carr's career

Jimmy´s main focus is to be comedian. Jimmy is famous thanks to 8 Out of 10 Cats.

Is Jimmy Carr gay ?

Jimmy is known to be straight.

Awards and competitions

Jimmy Carr's Awards

  • Nominated for a prestigious Rose D'Or award for his show Distraction

What else you don't know about Jimmy Carr ?

Jimmy´s middle name is Anthony Patrick.

What Jimmy Carr has done for a first time

  • He gained a Perrier nomination in 2002 for his first solo show 'Bare Faced Ambition'

Jimmy Carr's quotes

  • I do realize that when I laugh, it sounds like a seal is being molested.
  • As soon as I did my first five minutes of stand-up I knew that I would rather be a failure at comedy than a success in marketing.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Jimmy Carr's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Jimmy Carr looks. We will focus on Jimmy´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. He is tall as 6' 0" (183 cm). Body build is average. His eyes are tinted brown - light. His hair is shade of black.

Latest news about Jimmy Carr

For the latest news - you can follow Jimmy Carr on social networks.