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Heather Locklear

Heather Locklear's biography

Heather Locklear is 61 years old actor born at Los Angeles. She was born on Monday 25th of September 1961. According to year of birth 1961 she belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 25th of September means she is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.She was married 2 times.

She is native english speaker. She is citizen of United States of America. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know her also as film producer, voice actor, model, film actor. She is recently known as television actor. She received Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress The Return of Swamp Thing in 1990

Heather Locklear's family

Heather Locklear's ex spouses

Tommy Lee

Heather Locklear and Tommy Lee have been together since 1986 for 7 years. He is known as drummer. Her ex spouse was born on Wednesday 3rd of October 1962 in Athens.

Richie Sambora

Heather Locklear and Richie Sambora have been together since 1994 for 13 years. He is known as rock guitarist. Her ex spouse was born on Saturday 11th of July 1959 in Perth Amboy.

Heather Locklear's schools

We found 2 schools She attended. Complete list of schools: University of California, Los Angeles, Newbury Park High School.

Detailed informations about her schools

  • Graduated from Newbury Park High School in Newbury Park, CA.

Heather Locklear's career

Her main focus is to be actor. You could see her also in The Return of Swamp Thing.

Heather Locklear's partner

Jack Wagner

Heather Locklear and Jack Wagner have been together since 2007 for 4 years.

Awards and competitions

Heather Locklear's Awards

  • She received award for Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress for work The Return of Swamp Thing in 1990

Heather Locklear's Nominations

  • She was nominated for Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress for work The Return of Swamp Thing in 1990
  • She was nominated for Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Television Series Drama for work Melrose Place in 1994
  • She was nominated for Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Television Series Musical or Comedy for work Spin City in 1999

What Heather Locklear has done for a first time

  • Turned down the role of Sarah Tobias in The Accused (1988). The part went to Jodie Foster who won her first Oscar for it.

Heather Locklear's quotes

  • [Jan. 2003 interview in "Esquire" Magazine] Fans of mine, if they watched "T.J. Hooker" (1982) or "Spin City" (1996), they're fans of Heather Locklear. If they call me Sammy Jo or Amanda, they're fans of the show.
  • [about "Franklin & Bash" (2011)] I loved "Boston Legal" (2004). I loved "Ally McBeal" (1997). It's similar to that. It's a fun show. And it was different than what I've done. Is it dramedy? More of a comedy.
  • [Oct. 2012, in "Entertainment Weekly"'s annual reunions issue, about "Melrose Place" (1992)] It was definitely the highlight of my career.
  • [in "TV Guide", April 1983, about success on "Dynasty" (1981) and "T.J. Hooker" (1982)] I see lots of actresses who've been working and waiting ten years for a break and I wonder, "Why am I so lucky? Why me? Why did I get the chance?". I have no answers.
  • [January 2003, in Esquire] The older you get, the farther from the camera you need to be.

Heather Locklear's body shape

Lets describe how Heather Locklear looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.

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