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Everett Sloane

Everett Sloane's biography

Everett Sloane is 56 years old film actor born at New York City. He was born on Friday 1st of October 1909. According to year of birth 1909 he belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 1st of October means he is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.

He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be film actor. You can know him also as stage actor, television actor, voice actor. He is recently known as theatrical director.

Everett Sloane's schools

Detailed informations about his schools

  • Graduated from Townsend Harris Hall High School in New York. Briefly attended University of Pennsylvania but left in 1927 to join a stock company run by Jasper Deeter.
  • Attended Manhattan's Public School N. 46 where he played Puck in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at age 7.

Everett Sloane's career

His main focus is to be film actor.

How did Everett Sloane die

He died on on Friday 6th of August 1965 when he was 56 years old at Los Angeles. Everett Sloanes death was caused by barbiturate poisoning. It happend like suicide.

Everett Sloane's quotes

  • I never got the idea of becoming an actor until I was two years old.
  • I don't get an immediate, enormous, clamoring public because I always appear differently and speak differently. My whole deal is ... creating as many characters as I possibly can, and that's my whole drive.
  • As a business proposition, radio is ... sound and occasionally satisfying. The theatre is ego-satisfying but otherwise unreliable. The movies are ... a lump of money.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Everett Sloane's body shape

Lets describe how Everett Sloane looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

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