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Emmanuel Lubezki

Emmanuel Lubezki's biography

Emmanuel Lubezki Morgenstern is 58 years old cinematographer born at Mexico City. Emmanuel was born on Monday 30th of November 1964. Emmanuel is often nicknamed as El Chivo, Chivo, Emmanuel Lubezki, Emmanuel Lubezki Morgenstern. According to year of birth 1964 Emmanuel belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 30th of November means Emmanuel is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a Fiery sign of Zodiac Belt. These people are highly learned and love to gain knowledge throughout their life.

Emmanuel is white mexican. Emmanuel is citizen of Mexico. He is jewish. His primary profession is to be cinematographer. You can know Emmanuel also as film director, photographer, film producer. He is recently known as painter. He received Academy Award for Best Cinematography Gravity in 2013

Emmanuel Lubezki's schools

We found 2 schools Emmanuel attended. Complete list of schools: National Autonomous University of Mexico, Escuela Nacional de Artes Cinematográficas.

Detailed informations about his schools

He studied university - National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Emmanuel Lubezki's career

His main focus is to be cinematographer. He is famous thanks to Gravity, Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance), The Revenant.

Is Emmanuel Lubezki gay ?

Emmanuel is known to be straight.

Awards and competitions

Emmanuel Lubezki's Awards

  • He received award for Academy Award for Best Cinematography for work Gravity in 2013
  • He received award for Academy Award for Best Cinematography for work Birdman in 2014
  • He received award for Academy Award for Best Cinematography for work The Revenant in 2015

Emmanuel Lubezki's Rankings

  • 2007 - Ranked #24 on EW's The 50 Smartest People in Hollywood.

Emmanuel Lubezki's Nominations

  • He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Cinematography
  • Emmanuel was nominated for Academy Award for Best Cinematography
  • Emmanuel was nominated for Academy Award for Best Cinematography
  • Emmanuel was nominated for Academy Award for Best Cinematography
  • He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Cinematography
  • Emmanuel was nominated for Academy Award for Best Cinematography
  • He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Cinematography
  • Emmanuel was nominated for Academy Award for Best Cinematography

Emmanuel Lubezki's quotes

  • [on The Tree of Life (2011)] The language of film is further and further away from the language of theater and is closer to music. It's abstract but still narrative. Everything feels less rehearsed. It's more experimental than classical.[2012]
  • I don't miss film projecting. I always hated it. The [35mm film] negative is great but the positive, the material that we printed on, was very bad. It doesn't have the same dynamic range as the negative. [2015]
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Emmanuel Lubezki's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Emmanuel Lubezki looks. We will focus on Emmanuel´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. Emmanuel is tall as 5' 10½" (179 cm). Body build is slim. Emmanuel´s eyes are tinted brown - light. His hair is shade of brown - dark.

Latest news about Emmanuel Lubezki

For the latest news - you can follow Emmanuel Lubezki on social networks.

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