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Ella Purnell

Ella Purnell's biography

Ella Purnell is 26 years old actor born at Whitechapel. She was born on Tuesday 17th of September 1996. She is often nicknamed as Ella Purnell. According to year of birth 1996 Ella belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 17th of September means Ella is Virgo. Virgo is an earthy sign of Zodiac Belt. People born under this Rising Sign are practical in nature. They believe in reality and represents themselves as a strong person.

Ella is white british. Ella is citizen of United Kingdom. Ella´s primary profession is to be actor. You can know Ella also as model, stage actor. She is recently known as film actor.

Ella Purnell's schools

We found 3 schools Ella attended. Complete list of schools: City of London School for Girls, Forest School, Sylvia Young Theatre School.

Detailed informations about Ella´s schools

She studied high school - City of London School for Girls, Forest School.

Ella Purnell's career

Her main focus is to be actor. Ella is famous thanks to Never Let Me Go (2010), Maleficent (2014), Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016).

Is Ella Purnell gay ?

She is known to be straight.

Ella Purnell's quotes

  • I love actresses that aren't afraid to look ugly. People that do a variety of roles as well and aren't afraid to step out of that 'naturalistic' box.
  • There's a joke in my family that I'm going to make a career out of playing other people's younger selves, I played the younger Keira [Keira Knightley], I've played the younger Angelina [Angelina Jolie] and more recently the young Margot Robbie.
  • You can only really shoot a throw up scene of that scale once as it's a nightmare to reset! So I'd say projectile vomiting in a playground in front of 20 people covered head to toe in a plastic bin bag is probably one of my weirder experiences.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Ella Purnell's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Ella Purnell looks. We will focus on her height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. Ella is tall as 5' 4" (163 cm). She weights 114lbs (52 kg). Body build is slim. Ella´s eyes are tinted hazel. Her hair is shade of brown - light.

Latest news about Ella Purnell

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