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Don Siegel

Don Siegel's biography

Donald Siegel is 79 years old film producer born at Chicago. He was born on Saturday 26th of October 1912. He is often nicknamed as Donald Siegel. According to year of birth 1912 Don belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 26th of October means Don is Scorpio. Scorpio is a watery sign. These people are very intense in their thoughts. They always learn from the transformatory phase of their life.He was married 2 times.

Don is native english speaker. Don is white american. Don is citizen of United States of America. Don is jewish. Don´s primary profession is to be film producer. You can know Don also as film director. He is recently known as actor.

Don Siegel's family

Don Siegel's ex wifes

Viveca Lindfors

Don Siegel and Viveca Lindfors have been together since 1948 for 5 years. She is known as screenwriter. Don´s ex wife was born on Wednesday 29th of December 1920 in Uppsala. Don´s ex wife died on Wednesday 25th of October 1995 in Uppsala. Viveca Lindfors was 83 years old, when this happened.

Doe Avedon

Don Siegel and Doe Avedon have been together since 1957 for 18 years. She is known as actor. His ex wife was born on Tuesday 7th of April 1925 in Old Westbury. Don´s ex wife died on Sunday 18th of December 2011 in Encino. Doe Avedon was 99 years old, when this happened.

He has 1 son.

Don Siegel's son: Kristoffer Tabori

Don Siegel's son's name is Kristoffer Tabori. Kristoffer is known as film director. Don´s son was born on Monday 4th of August 1952 in Malibu.

Don Siegel's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: Jesus College.

Detailed informations about his schools

He studied university - Jesus College, Cambridge in England.

Don Siegel's career

Don´s main focus is to be film producer. Don is famous thanks to The Beguiled.

Is Don Siegel gay ?

Don is known to be straight.

How did Don Siegel die

He died on on Saturday 20th of April 1991 when he was 79 years old at San Luis Obispo County. Don Siegels death was caused by cancer. It happend like natural causes.

What Don Siegel has done for a first time

  • During filming of Dirty Harry (1971), Siegel fell ill with the flu, and Clint Eastwood stepped in temporarily as director, during a critical scene involving a suicide jumper. This was Eastwood's first unbilled credit as director.
  • Don Siegel married his first wife in the sixteenth district of Paris.

Don Siegel's quotes

  • Most of my pictures, I'm sorry to say, are about nothing. Because I'm a whore. I work for money. It's the American way.
  • I once told [Jean-Luc Godard] that he had something I wanted--freedom. He said, "You have something I want--money".
  • [on editing] If you shake a movie, ten minutes will fall out.
  • [on working with Bette Midler in Jinxed! (1982)] I'd let my wife, children and animals starve before I'd subject myself to something like that again.
  • [on Walter Wanger] He was a rarity among producers. He encouraged creativity. He wasn't only interested in protecting himself, which is what most producers do.
  • [on Clint Eastwood] Hardest thing in the world is to do nothing and he does it marvelously.
  • [on Eli Wallach] Eli Wallach is a great actor, but like all great actors--he has so much to give--he must be watched carefully by the director, or he'll overact. This isn't because he's a bad actor, but because he can call on such reservoirs of talent.
  • I'm not a violent man . . . There are many other things that happen in our lives other than crime and violence and I think, as long as we do them entertainingly, then what's wrong with doing them?
  • [on Mickey Rooney, who he directed in Baby Face Nelson (1957)] . . . I admired his skill and loathed his personality.
  • [on shooting in CinemaScope] I don't like the proportions at all. Look at the great paintings in museums: they are not in the shape of Band-Aids. I prefer the older, rectangular aperture.

Don Siegel's height, body shape

Lets describe how Don Siegel looks. We will focus on his height, body shape and hair color. Don is tall as 5' 9" (175 cm). Body build is average. His hair is shade of salt and pepper.