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Dick Ebersol

Dick Ebersol's biography

Dick Ebersol is 75 years old television presenter born at Torrington. He was born on Monday 28th of July 1947. According to year of birth 1947 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 28th of July means he is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.He was married 2 times.

Dick Ebersol's spouse

He is married to Susan Saint James

He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be television presenter. You can know him also as radio personality, screenwriter, film director. He is recently known as television producer.

Dick Ebersol's family

Dick Ebersol's spouse

She is known as film actor. His spouse was born on Wednesday 14th of August 1946 in Los Angeles.

Dick Ebersol's ex spouses

Susan Stafford

Dick Ebersol and Susan Stafford have been together since 1976 for 5 years. She is known as actor. His ex spouse was born on Saturday 13th of October 1945 in Lynn.

He has 1 son.

Dick Ebersol's son: Charlie Ebersol

Dick Ebersol's son's name is Charlie Ebersol. He is known as film director. His son was born on Wednesday 1st of December 1982 in Torrington.

Dick Ebersol's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: Yale University.

Dick Ebersol's career

His main focus is to be television presenter.

Dick Ebersol's body shape

Lets describe how Dick Ebersol looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.