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Dave McCary

Dave Mccary's biography

David Lee McCary is 37 years old film director born at San Diego. He was born on Tuesday 2nd of July 1985. He is often nicknamed as Dave. According to year of birth 1985 Dave belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 2nd of July means Dave is Cancer. Cancer is a watery sign. They are very friendly and show motherly love to everyone. According to ascendant calculator, an important trait of these natives is their sensitive nature.

He is native american english speaker. Dave is white american. Dave is citizen of United States of America. Dave´s primary profession is to be film director. You can know Dave also as screenwriter. Dave is recently known as television director.

Dave Mccary's family

Dave Mccary's wife

Emma is known as film actor. His wife was born on Sunday 6th of November 1988 in Scottsdale.

Dave Mccary's ex wife

Dave Mccary's schools

We found 1 school Dave attended. Name of the school: University of Southern California.

Dave Mccary's career

Dave´s main focus is to be film director. Dave is famous thanks to Saturday Night Live.

Is Dave Mccary gay ?

Dave is known to be straight.

Dave Mccary's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Dave Mccary looks. We will focus on his height, body shape, eye color and hair color. He is tall as 6' 2" (188 cm). Body build is average. Dave´s eyes are tinted blue. His hair is shade of black.