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Cynthia Addai-Robinson

Cynthia Addai-Robinson's biography

Cynthia Addai-Robinson is 37 years old actor born at London. Cynthia was born on Saturday 12th of January 1985. According to year of birth 1985 she belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 12th of January means Cynthia is Capricorn. These people are stable in nature. As the sign lord is “Saturn”, the person will be judgemental in his approach.

Cynthia is native english speaker. She is multiracial american. Cynthia is citizen of United States of America. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know Cynthia also as television actor. She is recently known as film actor.

Cynthia Addai-Robinson's schools

We found 2 schools Cynthia attended. Complete list of schools: New York University Tisch School of the Arts, Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute.

Detailed informations about her schools

  • Graduated from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts with a BFA in drama.

Cynthia Addai-Robinson's career

Her main focus is to be actor. She is famous thanks to Colombiana, Spartacus, Arrow.

Is Cynthia Addai-Robinson gay ?

Cynthia is known to be straight.

Cynthia Addai-Robinson's quotes

  • I learned how to be a woman and a good person just by watching and observing my mother.
  • I think training is helpful, but so is living a well-rounded life full of different experiences.
  • My repertoire is small, but I can make a pretty tasty pasta sauce from scratch.
  • Surround yourself with good people that keep you grounded, work hard, and be patient.
  • I want to be remembered as someone who tried their best and hopefully succeeded.
  • I feel comfortable in the US, the UK and in Ghana. They are all home to me in some way.
  • I listen to a wide variety of music of all genres, but sometimes you just need a cheesy pop song.
  • When the sun is shining, the right song is on, and I'm with people I love.
  • All actors have their own unique path when it comes to the development of their training and careers.
  • Even bad decisions usually result in good lessons learned.
  • The best decision I ever made was to invest in myself, both financially and time-wise.
  • The great thing about really heightened historical dramas is that they can convey much larger themes.
  • When I look in the mirror, I see a work in progress.
  • Music excites me, inspires me, fuels me! I listen to music every single day.
  • I love performing in any medium, and more the opportunities you have to vary things, the more you learn.
  • I would define success as setting a goal for yourself and then accomplishing it. I think successful people set out to do something and then just do it. They know before they accomplish their goal that they will, in fact, accomplish it.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Cynthia Addai-Robinson's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Cynthia Addai-Robinson looks. We will focus on her height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. Cynthia is tall as 5' 6¼" (168 cm). Cynthia weights 121lbs (55 kg). Body build is slim. Her eyes are tinted black. Cynthia´s hair is shade of black.

Latest news about Cynthia Addai-Robinson

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