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Caterina Murino

Caterina Murino's biography

Caterina Murino is 45 years old actor born at Cagliari. She was born on Thursday 15th of September 1977. According to year of birth 1977 she belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 15th of September means she is Virgo. Virgo is an earthy sign of Zodiac Belt. People born under this Rising Sign are practical in nature. They believe in reality and represents themselves as a strong person.

She is citizen of Italy. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know her also as model. She is recently known as film actor.

Caterina Murino's career

Her main focus is to be actor.

Caterina Murino's quotes

  • I do have ambition--I can dress up for a premiere, get in a limousine--but it's not my life. My life is wearing jeans and tennis shoes and traveling on the metro. I have to do that because otherwise my acting is going to be false.
  • I have a dream of re-creating the fantastic family I grew up in with my brother and my parents. I am lucky that I have such a good image of family life - my father and mother are still in love, still happy.
  • Modelling was not very satisfying for me. I came to London to model, and I fell in love with the theatre. I was eating yogurt every day so that I had the money to go to the theatre. I saw everything. It's still my dream to be on stage in London.
  • My favorite animal is the koala, but his life would be boring. I would rather be a giraffe so that I could contemplate the beauty of Africa.
  • Back in Rome I did some acting lessons and I realized I loved it more than anything else I had ever done before.
  • I never download anything; it's crazy! We must keep buying albums and DVDs.
  • I love all the shoe shops in Covent Garden. Laura Lee Jewelry on Monmouth Street for delicate gold jewelry. Every time I get a part in an English movie, I buy myself a piece of jewelry from there.
  • I don't go back home to Sardinia as much as I would like, just for Christmas and family events.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Caterina Murino's body shape

Lets describe how Caterina Murino looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.