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Bob Einstein

Bob Einstein's biography

Stewart Robert Einstein is 77 years old actor born at Los Angeles, California. Stewart was born on Friday 20th of November 1942. He is often nicknamed as Super Dave Osborne. According to year of birth 1942 Stewart belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 20th of November means he is Scorpio. Scorpio is a watery sign. These people are very intense in their thoughts. They always learn from the transformatory phase of their life.

Stewart is native english speaker. He is white american. Stewart is citizen of United States of America. Stewart´s primary profession is to be actor. You can know him also as screenwriter, voice actor, comedian, film actor, film producer, television actor. Stewart is recently known as film director. Stewart received Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour in 1969

Bob Einstein's dad

Bob Einstein's father's name is Harry Parke. He is known as actor. Stewart´s father was born on Friday 6th of May 1904 in Boston. His father died on Monday 24th of November 1958 in Los Angeles. Harry Parke was only 16 years old, when this happened.

Bob Einstein's mom

Bob Einstein's mother's name is Thelma Leeds. She is known as actor. Stewart´s mother was born on Sunday 18th of December 1910 in New York City. Bob Einstein was born when she was 32 years old. His mother died on Saturday 27th of May 2006 in Beverly Hills. Thelma Leeds was 64 years old, when this happened.

Bob Einstein's schools

We found 1 school Stewart attended. Name of the school: Chapman University.

Bob Einstein's career

His main focus is to be actor. He is famous thanks to Super Dave Osborne. You could see Stewart also in The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.

Is Bob Einstein gay ?

Stewart is known to be straight.

How did Bob Einstein die

Stewart died on on Wednesday 2nd of January 2019 when he was 77 years old. Bob Einsteins death was caused by cancer. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Bob Einstein's Awards

  • Won an Emmy Award for writing on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour (1967).

What else you don't know about Bob Einstein ?

His middle name is Robert.

Bob Einstein's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Bob Einstein looks. We will focus on his height, body shape, eye color and hair color. Stewart is tall as 6' 4" (193 cm). Body build is average. His eyes are tinted green. Stewart´s hair is shade of brown - light.