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Atom Egoyan

Atom Egoyan's biography

Atom Egoyan is 62 years old film director born at Cairo, Egypt. Atom was born on Tuesday 19th of July 1960. According to year of birth 1960 Atom belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 19th of July means he is Cancer. Cancer is a watery sign. They are very friendly and show motherly love to everyone. According to ascendant calculator, an important trait of these natives is their sensitive nature.

Atom´s ancestry is canadian. He is citizen of Canada. Atom´s primary profession is to be film director. You can know him also as screenwriter, film producer, actor. Atom is recently known as cinematographer.

Atom Egoyan's family

Atom Egoyan's ex spouse

Arsinée Khanjian

Atom Egoyan and Arsinée Khanjian have been together. She is known as film director. Atom´s ex spouse was born on Saturday 6th of September 1958 in Beirut.

Atom Egoyan's schools

We found 2 schools Atom attended. Complete list of schools: Trinity College, Mount Douglas Secondary School.

Detailed informations about Atom´s schools

  • Graduated University of Toronto, B.A. International Relations, 1982.

Atom Egoyan's career

Atom´s main focus is to be film director.

Awards and competitions

Atom Egoyan's Awards

  • His wife Arsinée Khanjian is an award-winning actress and appears in most of his films.

Atom Egoyan's Nominations

  • Atom was nominated for Academy Award for Best Director for work The Sweet Hereafter in 1998
  • Atom was nominated for Academy Award for Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay for work The Sweet Hereafter in 1998

Atom Egoyan's quotes

  • I think with all directors there are ideas that recur, at least for the ones that have creative control of their films.
  • I'm just really grateful I had this career to make these films. Whether or not particular films connect, I'm proud of the body of work that I've done. [2014]
  • There have been reviews that have profoundly affected me, because someone so deeply connected to the film. Those are so gratifying. [2014]
  • [on the online sabotage attempts by Turkish denialists after the premiere of the Armenian Genocide epic The Promise (2016)] It's going to be a tough ride. The denialist lobby is very well-organized. [2016]
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Atom Egoyan's height, body shape

Lets describe how Atom Egoyan looks. We will focus on Atom´s height, body shape. Atom is tall as 5' 7" (170 cm). Body build is average.