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Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone's biography

Alicia Silverstone is 46 years old voice actor born at San Francisco. She was born on Monday 4th of October 1976. Alicia is often nicknamed as Queen Slice, Alicia Silverstone Jarecki. According to year of birth 1976 she belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 4th of October means Alicia is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.

Alicia is native english speaker. Alicia is white american. She is citizen of United States of America. Alicia is jewish. Alicia´s primary profession is to be voice actor. You can know Alicia also as non-fiction writer, model, film actor, stage actor, television actor, anti-vaccine activist, film producer, socialite, environmentalist. Alicia is recently known as actor. Alicia received MTV Movie Award for Best Villain The Crush in 1994

Alicia Silverstone's family

Alicia Silverstone's ex husband

Christopher Jarecki

Alicia Silverstone and Christopher Jarecki have been together since 2005 for 13 years. He is known as musician. Her ex husband was born on Sunday 10th of October 1976 in Mission Hills.

Alicia Silverstone's schools

We found 1 school Alicia attended. Name of the school: San Mateo High School.

Detailed informations about her schools

  • Attended San Mateo High School in San Mateo, California. She was a cheerleader.

Alicia Silverstone's career

Her main focus is to be voice actor. Alicia is famous thanks to her iconic starring role as fashion-forward popular Cher Horowitz in the 1995 teen comedy film Clueless.

Is Alicia Silverstone gay ?

Alicia is known to be straight.

Awards and competitions

Alicia Silverstone's Awards

  • Got a surprise grab-and-smooch by Jim Carrey at the 1997 MTV Movie Awards when she presented the Best Comedic Performance award to Carrey. Carrey apologized to her backstage after realizing that she felt very humiliated.
  • 20 years after "Clueless," won "Vintage Performance by an Actress in 1995" at the first Vintage Film Awards.

Alicia Silverstone's Rankings

  • Ranked #5 on VH1's "Hottest Hotties of the 90's".
  • Ranked #66 in Men's Health 100 Hottest Women of All Time (2011).

What Alicia Silverstone has done for a first time

  • First commercial was for Domino's Pizza.
  • 20 years after "Clueless," won "Vintage Performance by an Actress in 1995" at the first Vintage Film Awards.
  • In 2009 she published her first book, The Kind Diet.
  • First name is pronounced "a-lee-see-a".

Alicia Silverstone's quotes

  • I don't feel like a dream girl, but I think it's really nice. I guess a part of me wishes I got that sort of attention in my real life. Because in my real life, I'm this weird, dorky girl who just hangs out with her dog.
  • I hate people to call me 'that Aerosmith chick!'
  • I think that Clueless (1995) was very deep. I think it was deep in the way that it was very light. I think lightness has to come from a very deep place if it's true lightness.
  • "My boyfriend calls me 'princess', but I think of myself more along the lines of 'monkey' and 'retard'".
  • [on her 'chocolate is better than sex' quote] I was interviewed when I was 17 and I didn't actually say that. It was the worst piece of journalism that I've ever been involved with.
  • Some days I wake up and think 'what's wrong' and I'd realize it's nothing other than waking up in a not so great a mood. Generally I feel good though. I go to yoga, I feel great. I love to wake up on Sundays - just hang out with the dogs.
  • My parents taught me about other cultures. I spent time in Africa, Cuba, Europe, Jamaica, the Amazon and that was nothing to do with work.
  • To be put in a position at 15 where people are saying how sexy you are is really awkward, so I did all I could to try and diffuse that. It's only now that I've started to feel like I've become a lady.
  • I'm not obsessed with being in the public eye. It's not my job to impress people - I'm really just a working actress and I like to pick projects and do things that really inspire me.
  • I think people that genuinely do good are great people. And I don't think, "Oh, there must be something wrong with them". I think that there's something wrong with the people who aren't doing good.
  • Everything you do in the name of the environment not only saves your health, it saves your soul.
  • [on River Phoenix] I loved River Phoenix so much. I never met him, but I wanted to marry him. So if we'd ever been stuck in an elevator, all I would want to do is make him fall in love with me. [1995 "The Scene" Magazine]
  • [on Blast from the Past (1999)] It was a very good experience for me. It's about a character that grew up in a very loving environment.

Alicia Silverstone's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Alicia Silverstone looks. We will focus on Alicia´s height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. Alicia is tall as 5' 5" (165 cm). Alicia weights 126lbs (57 kg). Body build is slim. Alicia´s eyes are tinted blue. Alicia´s hair is shade of brown - light.

Latest news about Alicia Silverstone

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