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Alain Cavalier

Alain Cavalier's biography

Alain Cavalier is 91 years old film director born at Vendôme. He was born on Monday 14th of September 1931. According to year of birth 1931 he belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 14th of September means he is Virgo. Virgo is an earthy sign of Zodiac Belt. People born under this Rising Sign are practical in nature. They believe in reality and represents themselves as a strong person.He was married 2 times.

He is citizen of France. His primary profession is to be film director. You can know him also as screenwriter, actor, film editor. He is recently known as cinematographer.

Alain Cavalier's family

Alain Cavalier's ex spouses

Irène Tunc

Alain Cavalier and Irène Tunc have been together since 1965 for 7 years. She is known as actor. His ex spouse was born on Wednesday 25th of September 1935 in 4th arrondissement of Lyon. His ex spouse died on Sunday 16th of January 1972 in Versailles. Irène Tunc was 41 years old, when this happened.

Denise de Casabianca

Alain Cavalier and Denise De Casabianca have been together. She is known as film editor. His ex spouse was born on Saturday 1st of August 1931 in 14th arrondissement of Paris. His ex spouse died on Tuesday 1st of December 2020 in Ivry-sur-Seine. Denise De Casabianca was 89 years old, when this happened.

He has 1 daughter.

Alain Cavalier's daughter: Camille de Casabianca

Alain Cavalier's daughter's name is Camille de Casabianca. She is known as actor. His daughter was born on Monday 31st of October 1960 in 14th arrondissement of Paris.

Alain Cavalier's schools

We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Institut des hautes études cinématographiques, La Fémis.

Alain Cavalier's career

His main focus is to be film director. He is famous thanks to The Unvanquished.

Awards and competitions

Alain Cavalier's Awards

  • He received award for Jury Prize for work Thérèse in 1986
  • He received award for César Award for Best Director for work Thérèse in 1987
  • He received award for César Award for Best Film for work Thérèse in 1987
  • He received award for César Award for Best Writing for work Thérèse in 1987
  • He received award for César Award for Best Director for work Pater in 2012
  • He received award for César Award for Best Film for work Pater in 2012
  • He received award for Louis Delluc Prize for work Un étrange voyage in 1980

Alain Cavalier's Nominations

  • He was nominated for César Award for Best Writing for work Thérèse in 1987
  • He was nominated for David di Donatello for Best Foreign Director for work Thérèse in 1987
  • He was nominated for César Award for Best Director for work Thérèse in 1987
  • He was nominated for César Award for Best Film for work Thérèse in 1987
  • He was nominated for César Award for Best Film for work Pater in 2012
  • He was nominated for César Award for Best Director for work Pater in 2012

Alain Cavalier's body shape

Lets describe how Alain Cavalier looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.