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Zoie Palmer

Zoie Palmer's biography

Zoie Palmer is 45 years old actor born at Cornwall, England, UK. Zoie was born on Friday 28th of October 1977. Zoie is often nicknamed as Zoie Palmer. According to year of birth 1977 Zoie belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 28th of October means she is Scorpio. Scorpio is a watery sign. These people are very intense in their thoughts. They always learn from the transformatory phase of their life.

Zoie is native canadian english speaker. Zoie is white canadian. Zoie is citizen of United Kingdom. Her primary profession is to be actor. She is recently known as film actor.

Zoie Palmer's schools

We found 2 schools Zoie attended. Complete list of schools: York University, Sacred Heart Catholic High School.

Detailed informations about Zoie´s schools

She studied high school - Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Newmarket, Ontario.

Zoie studied university - York University for BFA.

Zoie Palmer's career

Her main focus is to be actor. Zoie is famous thanks to Dr. Lauren Lewis on Lost Girl.

Is Zoie Palmer gay ?

She is known to be lesbian.

Awards and competitions

Zoie Palmer's Awards

  • Awarded "Gold Medallion Acting Award for Best Actress in a Feature Film" for Cold Blooded (2012) by the 2012 BareBones International Film Festival.
  • Chosen "Favorite TV Actress" for 2013 in the annual "AfterEllen Visibility Awards" (AfterEllen.com).
  • Recipient of the "Fan Choice Award for Favourite Canadian Screen Star" by the 2014 Canadian Screen Awards.
  • Awarded "Best Actor" for Terminal Venus (2003) at the 2004 Baja Film Festival.

Zoie Palmer's Rankings

  • Her portrayal of Lauren in Lost Girl (2010) won "Best Lesbian/Bi Character of 2013" by AfterEllen.com (dedicated to the representation of lesbian and bisexual women in the media and ranked among the most powerful blogs on the Web).

Zoie Palmer's height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color

Lets describe how Zoie Palmer looks. We will focus on her height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color and shoe size. Zoie is tall as 5' 6" (168 cm). She weights 123lbs (56 kg). Body build is slim. Zoie´s eyes are tinted brown - dark. Zoie´s hair is shade of blonde. If you are really curious, you may find interesting Zoie´s shoe size is 9.

Latest news about Zoie Palmer

For the latest news - you can follow Zoie Palmer on social networks.