Yeardley Smith's biography
Martha Maria Yeardley Smith is 58 years old actor born at Paris. She was born on Friday 3rd of July 1964. Yeardley is often nicknamed as Yeardly Smith. According to year of birth 1964 Yeardley belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 3rd of July means she is Cancer. Cancer is a watery sign. They are very friendly and show motherly love to everyone. According to ascendant calculator, an important trait of these natives is their sensitive nature.
She is native english speaker. Yeardley is white american. Yeardley is citizen of France. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know her also as voice actor, screenwriter, television actor, film actor. Yeardley is recently known as podcaster.
Yeardley Smith's schools
We found 1 school Yeardley attended. Name of the school: Maret School.
Yeardley Smith's career
Yeardley´s main focus is to be actor. She is famous thanks to Voice of Lisa Simpson on the animated television series The Simpsons.
Is Yeardley Smith gay ?
She is known to be straight.
Yeardley Smith's quotes
- Actually, you wouldn't believe how many people come up to me and say 'This is my fantasy: to be in bed with Lisa Simpson and have her say "Oh more, more!"' What is the matter with you people? This is sick! -- on the Australian talk show "Denton".
- It's usually character stuff that I'm offered unless they want a real offbeat leading role. Most of the time, I'm everybody's best friend. Or their annoying friend. It's like the story of my life. I will never get to play the Cinderella roles.
- You can't create a monster, then whine when it stomps on a few buildings.
- Is your remarkably sexist drivel intentional, or just some horrible mistake?
- A man who envies our family is a man who needs help.
- Oh no, the dead have risen and they're voting Republican.
- Romance is dead - it was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney, homogenized, and sold off piece by piece.
- Everybody sort of questioned why we get married on New Year's Day, and of course, the avid sports fans wouldn't come, because they had to watch the Rose Bowl or whatever that is on that day.
Yeardley Smith's height, body shape, eye color
Lets describe how Yeardley Smith looks. We will focus on Yeardley´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. She is tall as 5' 4" (163 cm). Body build is average. Her eyes are tinted blue. Her hair is shade of brown - light.
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