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Sean Faris

Sean Faris's biography

Sean Faris is 40 years old film actor born at Houston. He was born on Thursday 25th of March 1982. According to year of birth 1982 he belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 25th of March means he is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.

He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be film actor. You can know him also as television actor. He is recently known as model.

Sean Faris's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: Padua Franciscan College.

Detailed informations about his schools

  • Attended Padua Franciscan High School in Parma, Ohio. He graduated with honors in 2000 and moved to Los Angeles, California, to pursue an acting career a few weeks later.

Sean Faris's career

His main focus is to be film actor.

Awards and competitions

Sean Faris's Awards

  • Attended the 7th Annual Young Hollywood Awards with Eva Longoria from Desperate Housewives (2004).
  • Attended the 10th Young Hollywood Awards as a presenter.

What Sean Faris has done for a first time

  • Produced his first film The Glass Eye (2010) with his current manager, Dino May.

Sean Faris's quotes

  • I hate junk food. It depresses me.
  • For two weeks, I had the entire neighborhood believing I was Tom Cruise's son - until my step-sister spilled the beans on me.
  • I hate the polo collar.
  • I don't want a girl who's high-maintenance and wants to go shopping... I like a girl who doesn't wear make-up and is naturally beautiful.
  • I hope people remember me for the kind of person that I am, not because of what I do.
  • [on being pretty faced] It's like, thanks for the good genes, Mom and Dad. I wanted to work.
  • I got a role in Pearl Harbor (2001) within a week of getting to L.A. My head swelled. I spent all my money in two months and then didn't work for another six. Luckily, Grandma hooked a brother up.
  • [favorite designer to wear on the red carpet] On the red carpet, Armani. I love Armani. I actually just went to his fashion show in Milan.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Sean Faris's body shape

Lets describe how Sean Faris looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

Latest news about Sean Faris

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