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Robert Englund

Robert Englund's biography

Robert Englund is 75 years old actor born at Glendale. He was born on Friday 6th of June 1947. According to year of birth 1947 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 6th of June means he is Gemini. Gemini is a dual sign of Zodiac Belt. One born with this rising sign is very dual and creative in nature with lots of verbosity. They are the most expressive people as they love talking.

He is native english speaker. He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be actor. You can know him also as film director, film actor, television actor, voice actor. He is recently known as writer.

Robert Englund's schools

We found 5 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, California State University, Northridge, University of California, Los Angeles, Oakland University, Granada Hills Charter High School.

Detailed informations about his schools

  • Robert is an honors graduate from the Academy of Dramatic Art at Oakland University in Rochester, MI. Prior to that he attended Cal State University, Northridge and UCLA.

Robert Englund's career

His main focus is to be actor. He is famous thanks to A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Awards and competitions

Robert Englund's Rankings

  • Ranked the #40 top villain for the American Film Institution's Top 100 list of 100 Heroes and Villains for his role as Freddy Krueger.
  • His performance as Freddy Krueger in A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) is ranked #51 on Premiere Magazine's 100 Greatest Movie Characters of All Time.

What Robert Englund has done for a first time

  • Married twice, the first occurred during his college heyday. He met his second wife Nancy Booth while working on his feature directorial debut 976-EVIL (1988).

Robert Englund's quotes

  • When I was 9, I went to a birthday party. We were supposed to see a cowboy movie, but the programming got screwed up and we saw The Bad Seed (1956) instead. Horrifying. For years I was frightened of girls with pigtails.
  • I saw an entire magazine of Freddy Krueger tattoos. Hey, I'm a classically trained actor who was doing [Anton Chekhov], and now there are thousands of people walking around America with my tattoo on them. I just take it as pop culture.
  • I get a lot of teenagers going, 'Yo, Krueger,' and honking their horn and giving me the claw. Yeah, I'm recognized.
  • Gosh, I'd like to direct Our Town on stage.
  • But it's mostly about pacing yourself when you do these movies.
  • And in Freddy vs. Jason I like when Jason and I double team Destiny's Child.
  • You're going to have to surrender a little bit to the contrivance of how Freddy and Jason get together.
  • I think superheroes today are like whistle blowers.
  • The last time we had Freddy in reality was part two and Freddy sort of went out on his own.
  • Most of my nightmares involve me forgetting my lines in a stage play.
  • Many great horror stories are period pieces and English actors have a facility for historic characters.
  • Kids today don't watch a black and white movie.
  • Jeff Bridges taught me a lot about how to keep a scene fresh.
  • I wouldn't want the pressure of a Six Feet Under or the pressure of improvising like Curb Your Enthusiasm.
  • I would like to see the technology used to explore more period horror genre works, for example, E. A. Poe.
  • I have an Italian comedy at the Venice Film Festival.
  • I always serve the writer first because I'm English trained, even though I'm American.
  • I always get inspiration from whatever characters say about my character.
  • If they do something like that, maybe a Freddy Krueger fan, a girl, a really sick goth girl starts killing kids herself and Freddy has to put a stop to it, or they have to fight it out.
  • I'm basically a movie actor now, and my big roles are mostly horror movies - unless I'm doing a guest star or something - and occasionally I try to get back into television.
  • I have friends that are much better actors than I am that had to quit the business because they couldn't survive the auditions or the rejections, or people just didn't realize how good they were.
  • The modern horror audience is wise to our tricks this lets it in on the gag.
  • [observation, 2014] I'm on my third generation of fans. It's not strange at all for me to go someplace and have a father come up with his sons that he watched ['A Nightmare on Elm Street'] with when they were 12, and invited some friends for a sleepover.

Robert Englund's body shape

Lets describe how Robert Englund looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

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