Muse Watson's biography
Muse Watson is 74 years old stage actor born at Alexandria. He was born on Tuesday 20th of July 1948. He is often nicknamed as Muse Watson. According to year of birth 1948 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 20th of July means Muse is Cancer. Cancer is a watery sign. They are very friendly and show motherly love to everyone. According to ascendant calculator, an important trait of these natives is their sensitive nature.
Muse is native english speaker. Muse is white american. He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be stage actor. You can know Muse also as film actor, television actor. Muse is recently known as actor.
Muse Watson's schools
We found 2 schools Muse attended. Complete list of schools: Berea College, Louisiana Tech University.
Detailed informations about his schools
He studied university - Louisiana Tech, Berea College.
Muse Watson's career
His main focus is to be stage actor. He is famous thanks to Prison Break.
Awards and competitions
Muse Watson's Awards
- Was awarded the Distinguished Alumnus Award by Berea College, Berea, Kentucky in 2001.
- Honored at Sundance Film Festival, with the rest of the cast, for his role playing Parley Gentry in "Songcatcher" with Grand Jury Award for Ensemble Acting.
What Muse Watson has done for a first time
- Legendary V.P. of Casting for Warner Brothers, Marion Dougherty, encouraged Muse to move to Hollywood and arranged for his first Hollywood agent in 1994.
- Worked as a driver, captain, and coordinator in transportation departments and rented equipment to film productions on 19 films while he auditioned for his first roles.
Muse Watson's height, body shape, eye color
Lets describe how Muse Watson looks. We will focus on his height, body shape, eye color and hair color. Muse is tall as 6' 1" (185 cm). Body build is average. Muse´s eyes are tinted brown - light. Muse´s hair is shade of salt and pepper.
Latest news about Muse Watson
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