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Michael Gambon

Michael Gambon's biography

Michael Gambon is 82 years old voice actor born at Cabra (Dublin). He was born on Saturday 19th of October 1940. According to year of birth 1940 he belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 19th of October means he is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.

He is citizen of Republic of Ireland. His primary profession is to be voice actor. You can know him also as stage actor, film actor. He is recently known as television actor. He received Laurence Olivier Award A Chorus of Disapproval in 1986

Michael Gambon's schools

We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, St Aloysius RC College.

Michael Gambon's career

His main focus is to be voice actor. He is famous thanks to Harry Potter film series.

Awards and competitions

Michael Gambon's Awards

  • He was awarded the CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) in the 1990 Queen's New Year Honours List and made a Knight Bachelor in the 1998 Queen's New Year Honours List for his services to drama.
  • He was awarded the Laurence Olivier Theatre Award in 1986 (1985 season) for Best Comedy Performance for "A Chorus of Disapproval".
  • He was awarded the Laurence Olivier Theatre Award in 1988 (1987 season) for Best Actor in a New Play for his performance in "A View from the Bridge".
  • He was nominated for a Laurence Olivier Theatre Award in 2001 (2000 season) for Best Actor for his performance in "The Caretaker" at the Comedy Theatre.
  • He was nominated for a Laurence Olivier Theatre Award in 1999 (1998 season) for Best Actor for his performance in "The Unexpected Man".
  • He was nominated for a 1998 Laurence Olivier Theatre Award for Best Actor of the 1997 season for his performance in "Tom and Clem" at the Aldwych Theatre.
  • He was nominated for a 2003 Laurence Olivier Theatre Award for Best Actor of 2002 for his performance in "A Number" at the Royal Court Theatre Downstairs.
  • He was awarded the 1987 London Evening Standard Theate Award for Best Actor for his performance in A View from the Bridge.
  • He was awarded the 2000 London Critics Circle Theatre Award (Drama) for Best Actor for his performance in The Caretaker at the Comedy Theatre and Cressida at the Albery Theatre.
  • He was awarded the 1990 London Critics Circle Theatre Award (Drama Theatre Award) for Best Actor for his performance in Man of the Moment.
  • He was awarded the 1995 London Evening Standard Theatre Award for Best Actor for his performance in Volpone.
  • Was nominated for Broadway's 1997 Tony Award as Best Actor (Play) for "Skylight."
  • In 2007, he was nominated for Best Actor at the ESB/Irish Times Theatre awards for his role in the stage adaptation of Samuel Beckett Eh Joe.

What Michael Gambon has done for a first time

  • His first child, Fergus, was born to him and his wife in 1964.

Michael Gambon's quotes

  • Theater actors are just tolerated. You have to be a movie star to be a celebrity.
  • I live in fear of being a contented passenger. I'd rather get parts I can't play.
  • I just play him as myself, I don't ease myself into any role really. I stick a beard on and play me.
  • I'm an anorak. I've always been an obsessive collector of things. Richard Briers collects stamps. I collect cars and guns, which are much more expensive, and much more difficult to store.
  • I am a theatre actor, but the last ten years I've taken parts in movies because it keeps me in money.
  • Yeah, I like causing trouble. It's the teddy boy in me. I used to be a teddy boy. Feeling slightly inferior and wanting to cause a bit of bother and get some action going on in the room rather than get bored stiff.
  • Oh yeah, I'd love to be a comedian. I've done a lot, but always in the confines of plays.
  • I promise myself that I would go and do a play every year.
  • I just hate the idea of being well known. I know that is almost impossible if you're an actor who has done okay, but I've always fought against it.
  • I learn the lines that J.K. Rowling or whoever writes them, and say them.
  • I'm very flower-like. I love classical music. I go to ballet and I cry. There's nothing so beautiful.
  • A child did approach me in a restaurant in Cornwall, but he thought I was Gandalf.
  • There were no spells at my school, just a smack in the mouth.
  • I belong to quite a lot of learned societies. We collect firearms and discuss them at dinners and clubs and things.
  • Every part I play is just a variant of my own personality. No real character actor, of course, just me.
  • There's no subtext in Harry Potter really; it's all magic, anything can happen. Why do I say this? Because it's a magic spell. It's quite nice in a way. There is a real freedom to it.
  • You get used to being lazy doing films, but classical theatre's going to finish me off.
  • Television has dried up for my generation, so it's plays and films.
  • I've always tried to be an actor who... I just plod on and try to keep my mouth shut, mind my own business. I find the whole thing about people's lives... I can't understand it. I'm always astonished that people want to know anything about me.
  • (On Peter O'Toole) "He was a great actor. His early years were the best I thought. He was great fun to be with. He will be missed badly."
  • [to Antony Sher, when Sher as the Fool began drawing attention from Gambon's Lear] This play's called King Lear, not King Lear plus a c*** in a red nose.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Michael Gambon's body shape

Lets describe how Michael Gambon looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.