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Jean-Louis Trintignant

Jean-Louis Trintignant's biography

Jean-Louis Xavier Trintignant is 92 years old film director born at Piolenc. Jean-Louis was born on Thursday 11th of December 1930. Jean-Louis is often nicknamed as Jean Louis Trintignant. According to year of birth 1930 he belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 11th of December means he is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a Fiery sign of Zodiac Belt. These people are highly learned and love to gain knowledge throughout their life.He was married 3 times.

Jean-Louis is native french speaker. He is white french. Jean-Louis is citizen of France. His primary profession is to be film director. You can know Jean-Louis also as screenwriter, audiobook narrator, character actor, racing automobile driver, stage actor, film actor. He is recently known as actor. Jean-Louis received Silver Bear for Best Actor The Man Who Lies in 1968

Jean-Louis Trintignant's dad

Jean-Louis Trintignant's father's name is Raoul Trintignant.

Jean-Louis Trintignant's family

Jean-Louis Trintignant's ex wifes

Stéphane Audran

Jean-Louis Trintignant and Stéphane Audran have been together since 1954 for 2 years. Colette is known as audiobook narrator. His ex wife was born on Tuesday 8th of November 1932 in Versailles. His ex wife died on Tuesday 27th of March 2018 in Neuilly-sur-Seine. Stéphane Audran was 88 years old, when this happened.

Nadine Trintignant

Jean-Louis Trintignant and Nadine Trintignant have been together since 1960 for 16 years. She is known as film director. Jean-Louis´s ex wife was born on Sunday 11th of November 1934 in Nice.

Marianne Hoepfner

Jean-Louis Trintignant and Marianne Hoepfner have been together since 2000 for 22 years.

He has 1 son and 1 daughter

Jean-Louis Trintignant's son: Vincent Trintignant

Jean-Louis Trintignant's son's name is Vincent Trintignant. He is known as actor. His son was born on Monday 3rd of September 1973.

Jean-Louis Trintignant's daughter: Marie Trintignant

Jean-Louis Trintignant's daughter's name is Marie Trintignant. She is known as film actor. His daughter was born on Sunday 21st of January 1962. Jean-Louis´s daughter died on Friday 1st of August 2003 in Neuilly-sur-Seine. Marie Trintignant was 73 years old, when this happened.

Jean-Louis Trintignant's schools

We found 2 schools Jean-Louis attended. Complete list of schools: Institut des hautes études cinématographiques, Paul Cézanne University.

Jean-Louis Trintignant's career

Jean-Louis´s main focus is to be film director. Jean-Louis is famous thanks to Et Dieu créa la femme / And God created woman.

Is Jean-Louis Trintignant gay ?

He is known to be straight.

How did Jean-Louis Trintignant die

He died on on Friday 17th of June 2022 when he was 92 years old at Collias. Jean-Louis Trintignants death was caused by natural causes. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Jean-Louis Trintignant's Awards

  • Jean-Louis received award for Silver Bear for Best Actor for work The Man Who Lies in 1968
  • Jean-Louis received award for Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actor for work Z in 1969
  • Jean-Louis received award for César Award for Best Actor for work Amour in 2013
  • He received award for European Film Award for Best Actor for work Amour in 2012

Jean-Louis Trintignant's Nominations

  • Jean-Louis was nominated for Silver Bear for Best Actor for work The Man Who Lies in 1968
  • Jean-Louis was nominated for Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actor for work Z in 1969
  • Jean-Louis was nominated for National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actor for work My Night at Maud's in 1970
  • He was nominated for César Award for Best Supporting Actor for work La Femme de ma vie in 1987
  • Jean-Louis was nominated for César Award for Best Actor for work Three Colours: Red in 1995
  • Jean-Louis was nominated for César Award for Best Actor for work Fiesta in 1996
  • He was nominated for César Award for Best Supporting Actor for work Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train in 1999
  • He was nominated for César Award for Best Actor for work Amour in 2013
  • Jean-Louis was nominated for European Film Award for Best Actor for work Amour in 2012
  • He was nominated for European Film Award for Best Actor for work Happy End in 2017

What Jean-Louis Trintignant has done for a first time

  • He provided the voice of the Narrator (The School Teacher as an Old Man) in the French edition of The White Ribbon (2009). This marked his first collaboration with Michael Haneke.
  • Jean-Louis himself was an enthusiastic amateur rally driver and competed in a number of high-level rallies in the 1970s and 1980s, including several rounds of the World Rally Championship; he finished first in his class in the 1981 Monte Carlo Rally.

Jean-Louis Trintignant's quotes

  • The best actors in the world are those who feel the most and show the least.
  • [on Marcello Mastroianni] Mastroianni fascinates me; there are few people who are more intelligent than they wish to appear. That's Marcello exactly!
  • [on Anouk Aimée] No actress either, like Brigitte Bardot, but extraordinary -- the way Gary Cooper was extraordinary.
  • [on Catherine Deneuve] At the beginning, not an extraordinary actress. But she has become a formidable one, subtle, full of nuance, sensitive, intelligent. I love working with her.
  • [on his role in The Great Silence (1968)] I play the part of a mute. The audience won't realize it because during the first two-thirds of the film, there's no reason for him to speak. I like it because in most Westerns, they talk too much and say nothing.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Jean-Louis Trintignant's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Jean-Louis Trintignant looks. We will focus on Jean-Louis´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. Jean-Louis is tall as 5' 7¾" (172 cm). Body build is average. His eyes are tinted brown - dark. Jean-Louis´s hair is shade of grey.