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David Newman

David Newman's biography

David Newman is 68 years old composer born at Los Angeles. He was born on Thursday 11th of March 1954. According to year of birth 1954 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 11th of March means he is Pisces. Pisces is a Watery Sign. They are very intuitive people. They are empathic, emotional and highly spiritual in nature.

He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be composer. You can know him also as musician, orchestrator. He is recently known as film score composer.

David Newman's dad

David Newman's father's name is Alfred Newman. He is known as conductor. His father was born on Sunday 17th of March 1901 in New Haven. His father died on Tuesday 17th of February 1970 in Hollywood. Alfred Newman was only 16 years old, when this happened.

David Newman's mom

David Newman's mother's name is Martha Montgomery. She is known as actor. His mother was born on Sunday 5th of December 1920 in Clarksdale. David Newman was born when she was 34 years old. His mother died on Monday 9th of May 2005 in Pacific Palisades. Martha Montgomery was 51 years old, when this happened.

David Newman's family

David Newman's spouse

David Newman's ex spouse

He has 1 daughter.

David Newman's daughter: Diana Newman

David Newman's daughter's name is Diana Newman. She is known as film score composer. His daughter was born on Tuesday 26th of December 1989 in Los Angeles.

David Newman's schools

We found 3 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: University of Southern California, USC Thornton School of Music, Palisades Charter High School.

David Newman's career

His main focus is to be composer and film score.

Awards and competitions

David Newman's Nominations

  • He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Original Musical or Comedy Score for work Anastasia in 10 February 1998
  • He was nominated for Satellite Award for Best Original Score for work Anastasia in 1998
  • He was nominated for Saturn Award for Best Music for work Galaxy Quest in 2000

David Newman's body shape

Lets describe how David Newman looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

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