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Andrei Tarkovsky

Andrei Tarkovsky's biography

Andrei Arsenyevich Tarkovsky is 54 years old film director born at Zavrazhye. Andrei was born on Monday 4th of April 1932. Andrei is often nicknamed as Андрей Тарковский, Andrey Tarkovski, Andrei Tarkovskiy. According to year of birth 1932 Andrei belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 4th of April means Andrei is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.Andrei was married 2 times.

Andrei is white russian. He is citizen of Soviet Union. He is christian. His primary profession is to be film director. You can know him also as actor, film editor, screenwriter, biographer, film actor, theatrical director. He is recently known as director.

Andrei Tarkovsky's dad

Andrei Tarkovsky's father's name is Arseny Tarkovsky.

Andrei Tarkovsky's family

Andrei Tarkovsky's ex wifes

Irina Tarkovskaya

Andrei Tarkovsky and Irina Tarkovskaya have been together since 1957 for 13 years. She is known as actor. Andrei´s ex wife was born on Thursday 21st of April 1938.

Larisa Tarkovskaya

Andrei Tarkovsky and Larisa Tarkovskaya have been together since 1970 for 16 years. She is known as assistant director. His ex wife was born on Wednesday 1st of February 1933 in Moscow. His ex wife died on Monday 19th of January 1998 in Neuilly-sur-Seine. Larisa Tarkovskaya was 66 years old, when this happened.

Andrei Tarkovsky's schools

We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography.

Andrei Tarkovsky's career

His main focus is to be film director. He is famous thanks to Solaris.

Is Andrei Tarkovsky gay ?

He is known to be straight.

How did Andrei Tarkovsky die

He died on on Monday 29th of December 1986 when he was 54 years old. Andrei Tarkovskys death was caused by lung cancer. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Andrei Tarkovsky's Awards

  • Was posthumously awarded the Lenin Prize in 1990, one of the highest state honors in the Soviet Union.

Andrei Tarkovsky's quotes

  • My purpose is to make films that will help people to live, even if they sometimes cause unhappiness.
  • Always with huge gratitude and pleasure I remember the films of Sergei Parajanov which I love very much. His way of thinking, his paradoxical, poetical . . . ability to love the beauty and the ability to be absolutely free within his own vision.
  • The only condition of fighting for the right to create is faith in your own vocation, readiness to serve, and refusal to compromise.
  • So much, after all, remains in our thoughts and hearts as unrealized suggestion.
  • I think in fact that unless there is an organic link between the subjective impressions of the author and his objective representation of reality, he will not achieve even superficial credibility, let alone authenticity and inner truth.
  • Cinema is an unhappy art as it depends on the money. Not only because a film is very expensive but is then also marketed like cigarettes, etc.
  • Movement is made more meaningful in the context of stillness.
  • The longer I work in cinema the more convinced I am that this domain of art is not ruled by any laws. I do not even attempt to find them. Everything is possible.
  • Man needs Man.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Andrei Tarkovsky's height, body shape

Lets describe how Andrei Tarkovsky looks. We will focus on Andrei´s height, body shape. He is tall as 5' 7½" (171 cm). Body build is slim.