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Alan Thicke

Alan Thicke's biography

Alan Thicke is 69 years old songwriter born at Kirkland Lake. He was born on Saturday 1st of March 1947. According to year of birth 1947 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 1st of March means he is Pisces. Pisces is a Watery Sign. They are very intuitive people. They are empathic, emotional and highly spiritual in nature.He was married 2 times.

He is citizen of Canada. His primary profession is to be songwriter. You can know him also as composer, television presenter, voice actor, comedian, film actor, screenwriter, singer. He is recently known as television actor.

Alan Thicke's family

Alan Thicke's ex spouses

Gloria Loring

Alan Thicke and Gloria Loring have been together since 1970 for 14 years. She is known as actor. His ex spouse was born on Thursday 12th of December 1946 in New York City.

Gina Tolleson

Alan Thicke and Gina Tolleson have been together since 1994 for 5 years.

He has 2 sons.

Alan Thicke's son: Brennan Thicke

Alan Thicke's son's name is Brennan Thicke. He is known as voice actor. His son was born on Tuesday 17th of December 1974 in Los Angeles.

Alan Thicke's son: Robin Thicke

Alan Thicke's son's name is Robin Thicke. He is known as singer. His son was born on Thursday 10th of March 1977 in Los Angeles.

Alan Thicke's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: Western University.

Detailed informations about his schools

  • Graduated in 1965 from Elliot Lake High School, and was elected Homecoming King
  • Attended the University of Western Ontario

Alan Thicke's career

His main focus is to be songwriter.

How did Alan Thicke die

He died on on Tuesday 13th of December 2016 when he was 69 years old at Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center. Alan Thickes death was caused by ruptured aorta. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Alan Thicke's Rankings

  • Jason Seaver, Thicke's character on Growing Pains (1985), was ranked #37 in TV Guide's list of the "50 Greatest TV Dads of All Time" [20 June 2004 issue].

What Alan Thicke has done for a first time

  • Before he was a successful actor and a game show host, he (alongside with his first wife Gloria Loring) used to work with Charlotte Rae, as a songwriter on both sitcoms, which she starred in: Diff'rent Strokes (1978) and The Facts of Life (1979).

Alan Thicke's quotes

  • [Of Tracey Gold's family]: The Gold family has always been a role model. Harry and Bonnie Gold make the Seavers look like the Manson family.
  • I thought it was a great departure for me. It's quite the opposite of most of the things I've done.
  • [on analyzing Ozzy Osbourne about The Family Dog]: Seaver, who was a psychiatrist, would have reprimanded his children. It's the child's role in the family to take care of the dog.
  • [on his second rocky marriage]: It's not a fait accomplice, but the signs are pointing in the direction of a failed marriage. I think this is a disgrace. We had no problems that, in my opinion, mature, committed adults shouldn't be able to solve.
  • [Who got married a third time in 2005]: I'll be on my third honeymoon, so I'm more of an authority than I care to be.
  • [on his on- and off-screen chemistry with Joanna Kerns, who played Maggie Seaver]: We never went on a date, but we had chemistry, which our unrequited romance preserved for the entire show.
  • I play every week and I guess I used to be a better puck-ducker. During one of the pick-up games, I got in the way of a slap shot and it cost me five teeth and 30 stitches both inside the mouth and outside.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Alan Thicke's body shape

Lets describe how Alan Thicke looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.