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Aki Kaurismäki

Aki Kaurismäki's biography

Aki Kaurismäki is 65 years old film director born at Orimattila. He was born on Thursday 4th of April 1957. According to year of birth 1957 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 4th of April means he is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.

He is citizen of Finland. His primary profession is to be film director. You can know him also as screenwriter, film editor, actor, film producer. He is recently known as theatrical director.

Aki Kaurismäki's family

Aki Kaurismäki's ex spouse

Paula Oinonen

Aki Kaurismäki and Paula Oinonen have been together.

Aki Kaurismäki's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: University of Tampere.

Aki Kaurismäki's career

His main focus is to be film director.

Awards and competitions

Aki Kaurismäki's Awards

  • He received award for FIPRESCI Prize at Berlinale for work The Bohemian Life in 1992
  • He received award for Nordic Council Film Prize for work The Man Without a Past in 2002
  • He received award for Cannes Film Festival Grand Prix for work The Man Without a Past in 2002
  • He received award for Louis Delluc Prize for work Le Havre in 2011
  • He received award for Silver Bear for Best Director for work The Other Side of Hope in 2017

Aki Kaurismäki's Nominations

  • He was nominated for César Award for Best Film from the European Union for work The Man Without a Past in 2003
  • He was nominated for César Award for Best Film for work Le Havre in 2012
  • He was nominated for César Award for Best Director for work Le Havre in 2012
  • He was nominated for David di Donatello for Best European Film for work Le Havre in 2012
  • He was nominated for European Film Award for Best Film for work The Match Factory Girl in 1990
  • He was nominated for European Film Award for Best Film for work The Bohemian Life in 1992
  • He was nominated for European Film Award for Best Film for work The Man Without a Past in 2002
  • He was nominated for European Film Award for Best Director for work The Man Without a Past in 2002
  • He was nominated for European Film Award for Best Screenwriter for work The Man Without a Past in 2002
  • He was nominated for European Film Award - People's Choice Award for Best Director for work The Man Without a Past in 2002
  • He was nominated for European Film Award for Best Director for work Le Havre in 2011
  • He was nominated for European Film Award for Best Screenwriter for work Le Havre in 2011
  • He was nominated for European Film Award for Best Film for work Le Havre in 2011
  • He was nominated for European Film Award for Best Director for work The Other Side of Hope in 2017
  • He was nominated for European Film Award for Best Film for work The Other Side of Hope in 2017
  • He was nominated for European Film Award – People's Choice Award for Best European Film for work The Other Side of Hope in 2017
  • He was nominated for European University Film Award for work The Other Side of Hope in 2017

What Aki Kaurismäki has done for a first time

  • When winning the Grand Prix price in Cannes for his film The Man Without a Past (2002), he first thanked himself and then the judges, then he walked off.

Aki Kaurismäki's quotes

  • When I was young, I would sit in the bath and ideas would come to me. But I'm not young any more, so now I just sit in the bath.
  • Cinema is dead. It died 1962, I think it was in October!
  • I like dogs, mankind I don't care for too much. You're supposed to like mankind because you're part of it, but I prefer dogs. They are honest and they don't lie.
  • Maybe my films are not masterpieces, but they are documents of their time. That's enough for me. Masterpieces I can't do - even though I try.
  • I have two methods. If I have a screenplay, I follow it. If I don't, I improvise. Nobody else improvises - not the cameraman or the actors. Just me.
  • When I write, I am sober. I can direct drunk. I can't edit or write drunk.
  • How can you write the dialogue for films about the middle class? They might have as hard mental troubles as anyone else, but the dialogue is impossible. It is easier to be a slave or to be a boss.
  • Coffee? I don't want coffee. To talk about my lousy films I need more than coffee.
  • I think the more pessimistic I feel about life, the more optimistic the films should be.
  • I first get a title and then I write a script for the title.
  • I always decide to put a sad ending but then I feel pity for my characters and put at the last moment a happy ending.
  • I always start with everyday realism, everyday situations, and I try to go darker and darker and in the end, it's melodrama. Even the light has changed: in the beginning, the light is quite normal and in the end, there are big shadows.
  • [when told he must have been influenced by Robert Bresson] I want to make him seem like a director of epic action pictures.
  • [why he'll never shoot on digital formats] I am a film-maker, not a pixel-maker. [2018]
  • I never had very high hopes of humanity. I had hope 20 years ago, but not now. Greed will kill us - and maybe that's OK for the planet. Because it all goes back to money. Everything goes back to money. [2018]
  • Tragicomedy seems to be my genre. I like to return to the themes of my youth and talk about the little man's struggle against the faceless machine - and himself - all the while not forgetting about the humor.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Aki Kaurismäki's body shape

Lets describe how Aki Kaurismäki looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.