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Adam Rayner

Adam Rayner's biography

Adam Rayner is 45 years old film actor born at England. Adam was born in 1977. According to year of birth 1977 he belongs to Generation X.

He is native english speaker. Adam is white british. Adam is citizen of United Kingdom. His primary profession is to be film actor. You can know him also as stage actor, television actor. Adam is recently known as actor.

Adam Rayner's family

Adam Rayner's ex wife

Lucy Brown

Adam Rayner and Lucy Brown have been together. She is known as film actor. Adam´s ex wife was born on Tuesday 13th of February 1979 in Crawley.

Adam Rayner's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: Durham University.

Detailed informations about his schools

  • Attended London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art and Durham University.

Adam Rayner's career

His main focus is to be film actor.

Is Adam Rayner gay ?

He is known to be straight.

Adam Rayner's quotes

  • We rarely just hate people or love people. Normally, the people we have moments of the most impassioned hate for, it's because we love them so much.
  • Homeland (2011) is a thriller with a lot of cloak and dagger spy stuff, which is one of the things that makes it so much fun.
  • British audiences tend to want to see their own lives reflected on TV, whereas American audiences are quite aspirational and enjoy high-concept shows that show them lives that are perhaps slightly more exciting than they aspire to.
  • Who knows - I would like to think that I'd be a fantastic president, and I'd be extremely levelheaded, and I'd be very fair, and I wouldn't persecute people, and I'd listen to the people that disagreed with me and all the rest of it, but who knows.
  • Everyone working on Tyrant (2014) wants to present the world and the issues in it in an intelligent, open, fair, non-reductive kind of way. For the actors, we have to try and make these stories as truthful and compelling as possible.
  • I had some great high points and thought: 'This is fantastic. I'm going to be a huge star.' Then something happens, and you can't get a job to save your life.
  • I don't devour huge amounts of television. I'm more naturally inclined to watch movies, but given my job, I need to have an understanding of what's on TV.
  • I was always interested in it when I was younger, but it was when I was at university, getting together with other like-minded theatrically inclined types, that I admitted to myself that I wanted to be an actor.
  • I certainly have a sliver of me, which is definitely American, and feels a great pull towards where I spent time when I was very young, which is in California.
  • I'm actually half Brit and half American. I have a British father and an American mother, but as far as I'm aware, no Middle Eastern blood.
  • I've done shows that aired on American TV, but none of them proved to be successful, so yes, no one here knows who I am.
  • My mother is American. I first went to school in America, and we came back when I was about six to rural Norfolk. In primary school, I was teased immediately and mercilessly. I probably dropped that accent within about 10 days.
  • Obviously, Homeland (2011) is not just a spy thriller. It's more than that, but Tyrant (2014) will be a bit more of a palace drama. It'll be about the families, but there will be political intrigue as well.
  • That's the great thing about university: you've got people around you who are taking a risk and trying things out themselves. It gives you the confidence to try and take it to the next step, which was drama school.
  • To be honest, unless you rocket straight to stardom as a gorgeous young vampire, you can spend a lot of time working behind a bar.
  • We shot a bit of 'Hunted' in Tangier, and you are in a very, very different world. It's very difficult to blend in over there.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Adam Rayner's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Adam Rayner looks. We will focus on Adam´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. Adam is tall as 6' 1" (185 cm). Body build is athletic. Adam´s eyes are tinted brown - dark. His hair is shade of black.

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