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Timon Modersohn

Timon Modersohn's biography

Timon Modersohn is 44 years old film director born at Vorwerk. He was born in 1978. According to year of birth 1978 he belongs to Generation X.

He is citizen of Germany.

Timon Modersohn's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: German Film and Television Academy Berlin.

Timon Modersohn's career

His main focus is to be film director.

Timon Modersohn's partner

Anna Maria Mühe

Timon Modersohn and Anna Maria Mühe have been together. She is known as actor. His partner was born on Tuesday 23rd of July 1985 in Berlin.

Timon Modersohn's body shape

Lets describe how Timon Modersohn looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.