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Tammy Macintosh

Tammy Macintosh's biography

Tammy MacIntosh is 52 years old actress born at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Tammy was born on Monday 16th of February 1970. Tammy is often nicknamed as Tammy MacIntosh. According to year of birth 1970 Tammy belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 16th of February means Tammy Macintosh is Aquarius. Aquarius is an Airy sign. They are smart thinkers, social, communicative, independent and intelligent people.

Tammy is white australian.

Detailed informations about Tammy´s schools

Tammy studied high school - Morley Senior High School, Mount Lawley Senior High School.

Tammy Macintosh studied university - Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, a division of Edith Cowan University.

Tammy Macintosh's career

Tammy´s main focus is to be actress. Tammy is famous thanks to All Saints, Police Rescue.

Is Tammy Macintosh gay ?

Tammy Macintosh is known to be straight.

What Tammy Macintosh has done for a first time

  • Gave birth to her first child, a boy named Benjamin, on August 1, 2006

Tammy Macintosh's quotes

  • It's an incredible set. It actually exudes a personality and a depth of darkness that invades you when you're here and you're shooting.
  • Everything is so beautifully thought out that it just gives you your character instantly.
  • [on Wentworth]: It's not a pretty place to be. But it's an important place to be the way that its shot here on foxtel.
  • Dead silent. Any direction they had to give to anybody, they whispered to each other. The space around me was so sacred and so beautiful and so respectful. I will never forget that.
  • It's been nothing but the best experience of my life. This show makes you give everything you have.
  • [Discussing Wentworth]: I couldn't have done this from Sydney, I couldn't have driven to work and come home and had the detoxing and the deconstruction.This way, I get to the airport, swig a glass of wine, go to sleep and arrive [home] happier.
  • [on Wentworth]: Seriously, that is the gift we give each other, because we hold each other in this trust.
  • The more we talk about it the more we understand it's a shared syndrome if you can call it that - Wentworth Actor Syndrome.
  • We need to go into therapy with each other to get through the next day and new week to deal with the content you're thrown.
  • [on her character Kaz's death]: It was a really hard place to be mentally and emotionally. I really had to think of.. not seeing my loved ones again.
  • [on Kaz's death discussion]: How do I want to go? They didn't say murdered or die. They just said find a way out for Kaz. You wanna escape? Die? I said you know what, how about we do a fast unexpected out.
  • When you're in Wentworth, it's all in or nothing.
  • Women are having a resurgence of power and I think Wentworth is a beautiful vehicle for women to celebrate every aspect of their womanhood - their ugliness, their pain, their hurt, their success, their desires and their want.
  • We could never have done this show or level of work we bring to Wentworth if we had to come home every day. You do make sacrifices; my son Ben has watched his mum going away to jail for four years in a row now. But this job makes you raise the bar.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Tammy Macintosh's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Tammy Macintosh looks. We will focus on Tammy´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. Tammy is tall as 5' 7¾" (172 cm). Body build is average. Tammy´s eyes are tinted blue. Tammy´s hair is shade of blonde.