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Storm Reid

Storm Reid's biography

Storm Reid is 19 years old actor born at Atlanta. She was born on Tuesday 1st of July 2003. Storm is often nicknamed as Storm Reid, Storm. According to year of birth 2003 she belongs to Generation Z. Birthday on 1st of July means she is Cancer. Cancer is a watery sign. They are very friendly and show motherly love to everyone. According to ascendant calculator, an important trait of these natives is their sensitive nature.

She is native english speaker. She is black american. She is citizen of United States of America. Storm is christian. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know her also as film actor. Storm is recently known as child actor.

Detailed informations about Storm´s schools

Storm studied university - University of Southern California.

Storm Reid's career

Storm´s main focus is to be actor. Storm is famous thanks to her breakthrough role as Meg Murry in the 2018 science-fiction, adventure fantasy film A Wrinkle in Time.

Is Storm Reid gay ?

She is known to be straight.

Storm Reid's quotes

  • We just have to get over the fact that, yes, people are not going to be the same. They're not going to look the same, they're not going to have the same opinions because we're all unique.
  • My mom - she doesn't care if I stop acting tomorrow; she just wants the best for me.
  • I would want to go back to the civil rights movement and see how that was. With the information and knowledge I have about it now, I would want to see how I would deal with it.
  • If you want to be an actress or an astronaut or a doctor or anything in between, I just want to let kids know - and especially kids that look like me know - that you can do it. Even though you're not seen, you can make yourself seen.
  • I just want people to be inspired - not only young girls but young people in general - and I just want them to know they can do anything they want to do, and they are beautiful, and they are smart.
  • Diversity should be forever; it should be a normal thing.
  • You're not going to be perfect, but the most important thing is not trying to please anybody. It's loving yourself inside out.
  • My life is centered around God and faith.
  • I just went up to my mom one day and said, 'I wanna be on TV. I wanna be a superstar!' Since I know this is my passion, and I feel like God chose this career for me, I just knew I was ready to do it.
  • I hope I get to work with Ms. Meryl Streep. She's so brilliant, great, and gracious an actress and person. I would love to work with her.
  • When you're acting, you can try your own ideas and be free.
  • You should always be dedicated and know that, if you strive to do something, you can achieve it.
  • I think '12 Years a Slave' really helped me, as a person and as a student, to grow.
  • I had a fear of being too tall because my dad is very tall, and both my sisters are very tall. And they're drop-dead gorgeous, but I just didn't know if I, as Storm, wanted to be 6 feet tall, 'cause I feel like that's pretty tall.
  • To work with Miss Oprah has been amazing. To have her in my corner and inspire me and uplift me has been amazing.
  • I was shocked that I even got the opportunity to audition for 'A Wrinkle in Time.' Meg Murry is a Caucasian girl in the book.
  • I haven't been afraid to speak my mind with anything, and I have always stood up for what I believe in.
  • If I'm wearing makeup, I always wash my face. Washing my face is a must.
  • I think kid actors may grow up faster, with the responsibility of having to do school work, learn all lines.
  • I hope I just keep continuing to inspire a lot of people and trying to make a change in this world.
  • I'm grateful for my family and my peers.
  • If you're not represented, then sometimes you might not feel hopeful and don't feel like you can do something that other people are doing when you're just as worthy as they are.
  • I feel like there's this great balance between me being an actress and traveling around and doing all this great stuff but, also, me being the regular teenager, like going to Disneyland with friends and just hanging out.
  • I just try to take a positive approach with my social media, with my Instagram. I just want people who go to my page to kinda feel inspired.
  • Looking back on it, when I was eight or nine, of course I did see myself on TV, so in a way, I was privileged.
  • My schedule won't allow me to go to regular school, but I did love public school, and I did experience my first year of middle school in a regular school.
  • I feel like I'm a really artsy person. I love to tie-dye shirts and bake and just do nerdy and fun stuff.
  • Representing young black girls and giving them hope and the light and letting them know that they can do anything is important to me as a little black girl, too.
  • 'Matilda' is my favorite movie of all time. It's so funny. It's about this girl who's so independent and smart, and she has to learn how to get through all these challenges she faces, and she gets through them all so well.
  • I think my family does a good job of letting me be a regular teenager, which we all need.
  • Ms. Oprah Winfrey gave me some advice to just always stay in the moment, and don't waste energy on negative things, and put your energy into positive things in your life. I just try to remember that every day and keep on going.
  • Nothing's impossible, because in the word 'impossible,' it says, 'I'm possible.' Always know that no matter what, you can always do it, and don't let anybody tell you differently.
  • We have good food in Los Angeles, but it's not as good as Atlanta food.
  • I'm gonna take this world by storm. Pun unintended.
  • I just feel like, with growing up and having peer pressure and what society wants you to be and what you think you should do, I feel like it's really important to surround yourself around good, understanding, amazing people that actually love you for you.
  • I would love to keep playing roles where I get to inspire young women, and I get to uplift them and tell their stories and tell important stories that haven't been told.
  • To be able to be a good actress and portray other people's stories, you have to be true to yourself.
  • I didn't think I would be 14, or 13 at the time, and be a lead in a role, but I think everything happens for a reason.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Storm Reid's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Storm Reid looks. We will focus on Storm´s height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. Storm is tall as 5' 7" (170 cm). She weights 112lbs (51 kg). Body build is slim. Storm´s eyes are tinted black. Storm´s hair is shade of brown - dark.

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