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Leo Penn

Leo Penn's biography

Leo Penn is 77 years old actor born at Lawrence. He was born on Saturday 27th of August 1921. According to year of birth 1921 he belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 27th of August means he is Virgo. Virgo is an earthy sign of Zodiac Belt. People born under this Rising Sign are practical in nature. They believe in reality and represents themselves as a strong person.He was married 2 times.

He is native english speaker. He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be actor. You can know him also as film director, screenwriter, film producer, television actor, stage actor. He is recently known as film actor.

Leo Penn's family

Leo Penn's ex spouses

Olive Deering

Leo Penn and Olive Deering have been together. She is known as actor. His ex spouse was born on Friday 11th of October 1918 in New York City. His ex spouse died on Saturday 22nd of March 1986 in New York City. Olive Deering was 65 years old, when this happened.

Eileen Ryan

Leo Penn and Eileen Ryan have been together since 1958 for 40 years. She is known as actor. His ex spouse was born on Sunday 16th of October 1927 in New York City. His ex spouse died on Sunday 9th of October 2022. Eileen Ryan was 101 years old, when this happened.

He has 3 sons.

Leo Penn's son: Michael Penn

Leo Penn's son's name is Michael Penn. He is known as singer. His son was born on Friday 1st of August 1958 in Greenwich Village.

Leo Penn's son: Sean Penn

Leo Penn's son's name is Sean Penn. He is known as film actor. His son was born on Wednesday 17th of August 1960 in Santa Monica.

Leo Penn's son: Chris Penn

Leo Penn's son's name is Chris Penn. He is known as actor. His son was born on Sunday 10th of October 1965 in Los Angeles. His son died on Tuesday 24th of January 2006 in Santa Monica. Chris Penn was 85 years old, when this happened.

Leo Penn's career

His main focus is to be actor.

How did Leo Penn die

He died on on Saturday 5th of September 1998 when he was 77 years old at Los Angeles. Leo Penns death was caused by lung cancer. It happend like natural causes.

Leo Penn's body shape

Lets describe how Leo Penn looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.