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Claire van der Boom

Claire Van Der Boom's biography

Claire van der Boom is 39 years old actor born at Broome. Claire was born on Monday 21st of November 1983. According to year of birth 1983 she belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 21st of November means she is Scorpio. Scorpio is a watery sign. These people are very intense in their thoughts. They always learn from the transformatory phase of their life.

She is white australian. Claire is citizen of Australia. Her primary profession is to be actor. She is recently known as film actor.

Claire Van Der Boom's schools

We found 1 school She attended. Name of the school: National Institute of Dramatic Art.

Detailed informations about Claire´s schools

  • Attended Presbyterian Ladies College in Western Australia.

Claire Van Der Boom's career

Claire´s main focus is to be actor. She is famous thanks to The Pacific.

Is Claire Van Der Boom gay ?

She is known to be straight.

Awards and competitions

Claire Van Der Boom's Awards

  • Nominated for a 2009 Logie Award in the Most Outstanding Actress category for her role as Grace Barry in Rush (2008).

What else you don't know about Claire Van Der Boom ?

Claire´s middle name is Van Der.

Claire Van Der Boom's quotes

  • (on filming the movie 'The Square') I couldn't have asked to work with better people, it was just a joy.
  • (on filming 'The Square') I think this was very much a "family project" and in that sense it was beautiful to be a part of.
  • (on her work in 'Rush') Rush is the consistent long-running job that I am learning so much from.
  • John Edwards, the producer on Rush is what attracted me to the script. I have admired him for so long and he is incredibly passionate, insightful and so I wanted to jump on board.
  • It's great to be here (in Melbourne). It's so friendly. And there are some great bars here. I've seen a few of those.
  • I'm incredibly grateful that we got to film this in Mississippi. I read a William Faulkner quote while I there that still mesmerizes me... "To understand the world, you must first understand a place like Mississippi."
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Claire Van Der Boom's body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Claire Van Der Boom looks. We will focus on her body shape, eye color and hair color. Body build is slim. Her eyes are tinted brown - dark. Claire´s hair is shade of brown - light.

Latest news about Claire Van Der Boom

For the latest news - you can follow Claire Van Der Boom on social networks.