Bobby Flay's biography
Bobby Flay is 58 years old restaurateur born at New York City. He was born on Thursday 10th of December 1964. He is often nicknamed as Bo. According to year of birth 1964 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 10th of December means he is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a Fiery sign of Zodiac Belt. These people are highly learned and love to gain knowledge throughout their life.
He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be restaurateur. You can know him also as cook. He is recently known as chef.
Bobby Flay's schools
We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: International Culinary Center, Institute of Culinary Education.
Bobby Flay's career
His main focus is to be restaurateur.
Awards and competitions
Bobby Flay's Awards
- He was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Television at 6141 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California on June 2, 2015.
What Bobby Flay has done for a first time
- First Bobby Flay Steakhouse was opened in the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa in Atlantic City, New York (2006).
- First job was at a pizza parlor and Baskin-Robbins.
Bobby Flay's quotes
- Thanksgiving has my three favorite F's: food, football and family. I think we should do it four times a year!
- See also Other Works |Â Publicity Listings |Â Official Sites
Bobby Flay's body shape
Lets describe how Bobby Flay looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.
Latest news about Bobby Flay
For the latest news - you can follow Bobby Flay on social networks.
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